Measuring the effects of development assistance: Impact on democracy

Mini seminar

About the Event

This session will be based on the EBA report titled 'Effects of Swedish and International Democracy Aid' which explores the effects of aid on countries' level of democracy and under what conditions it might work better, through a quantitative comparative analysis.

Questions that will be discussed in the session include: Measuring impacts using secondary data, what made it feasible and a good option in this study? How were measures of democracy identified and selected for the analysis? How was the causal relationship between aid and democracy outcomes determined?


Name Title Biography
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa Dr. Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, PhD, is a development economist and Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER. Miguel’s research expertise is in the areas of foreign aid, poverty, inequality, tax policy, social protection, and the political economy of development policy.
Elina Scheja Dr. Lead Economist at the Chief Economist Team (CET) of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
Jan Petterson Dr. Managing Director at the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA).
Lisa Hjelm Ms. Programme Manager at the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA).

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
