Monitoring, evaluation and learning in adaptive programmes: challenges, good practices and responses to COVID 19


About the Event

Building on systems and complexity-thinking, adaptive programmes often see themselves as ‘facilitators’ or ‘catalysts’ for change, instead of driving the change all by themselves. They recognize that they operate as a part of a large system and this has implications for monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL). Such implications include what they measure, who they engage with, how they track emerging outcomes and how they establish causal links in determining attribution and/or contribution.
Most recently, the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced societies globally to adapt and respond rapidly to the shifting landscape. But how have adaptive programs ‘adapted’ to the ongoing changes, and what adaptive approaches and tools can be used by MEL teams to monitor, evaluate and document learnings emerging from the dynamic situation?
To mark the 2020 gLOCAL Evaluation Week, the Partnerships to Engage Reform and Learn (PERL) is hosting a digital event for MEL personnel in adaptive programmes, INGOs, NGOs, the private and public sectors, and other similar donor funded projects in Nigeria.
Adaptive MEL tools and approaches will be discussed more generally and in the context of COVID, using PERL as a case study programme to share lessons and experiences. The event will provide participants with an opportunity to learn from each other, identify common issues, and share ideas on how they and their respective organisations have adapted to the evolving situation in Nigeria. The event will touch upon three specific areas:
• Overview of MEL4AM, highlighting some approaches, tools, and practices for adaptive learning/programming to improve outcome
• Specific application for MEL tools in an adaptive programme (PERL) vs. more ‘traditional programmes, and the impact of COVID-19 on PERL’s MEL processes
• Importance of institutionalising systematic M&E and learning processes. A broader view on MEL4AM building from the points discussed.


Name Title Biography
Yetunde Adegoke (Chair) Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Lead Yetunde is the MEL lead for the Learning, Evidencing and Advocacy Partnerships (LEAP) pillar of PERL. She has worked in monitoring and evaluation for several development partners including The United Nations, DFID, The EU. She has extensive experience in managing MEL for adaptive programmes.
Daniel Bijimi Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor Daniel is the MEL lead for the Accountable, Responsive and Capable (ARC) pillar of PERL. He takes the lead on PERL's annual governance assessments and has a wealth of experience conducting evaluations and sharing lessons.
Tiina Pasanen Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Tiina is the MEL advisor for the the Learning, Evidencing and Advocacy Partnerships (LEAP). Tiina is a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute. Her work focuses on the use and usefulness of M&E data and systems, and how evidence and data can be integrated into organisational learning.
Dr Uzodinma Adirieje President of NAE Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje is the President of the Nigerian Association of Evaluators, He has a strong M&E profile, providing services to the Federal Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Agency for the Control of AIDS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, World Bank, UN and other

Topics and Themes

NA-Private Sector NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
