Monitoring & Evaluation within the Government with special reference to cases from the Government of India

Panel Discussion

About the Event

DMEO, NITI Aayog, Government of India are hosting a series of events on monitoring and evaluation within the government, consisting of four events outlined below:


June 1, 2021 17:30 PM - 18:30 PM
Evidence driven governance requires an ecosystem, architecture and culture which promotes and supports it. Strong M&E can help generate high quality data for evidence-based decision making. From keeping up with the technological advancements and changes, the ecosystem needs to build human resource, infrastructure and technological capabilities to remain compatible. Enablers like data policies, strategies and synergic partnerships would be pertinent to enable a data-centric development. The panel will focus on the home-grown model which is India-specific. The panel will also deep dive and draw upon some specific success stories across the globe on adopting a data-based governance model. The session would also delve on ways a country can develop their road map to a data-based governance economy.


Name Title Biography
Mr. Santhosh Mathew Country Lead Public Policy and Finance Santhosh Mathew is a former IAS officer and is currently working as Country Lead Public Policy and Finance with BMGF, New Delhi. He holds a PhD in Development Studies and an MSc in Social Research Methods from the University of Sussex and an MA in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics.
Ms. Aparna Krishnan Project Director Aparna Krishnan is Project Director, J-PAL South Asia and leads an initiative aimed at working with governments to leverage administrative data use in policy research, decisions. She has a Masters in International Policy from University of California and Masters in Economics from Gokhale Institute.
Mr. Kanchan Dyuti Maiti M&E Specialist K D Maiti is a former ISS officer and is presently working as Planning, M&E Specialist with UNICEF India. He holds a Masters in Statistics and M.Phil. from University of Delhi. He has over 30 years of experience in improving data systems and designing monitoring and evaluation systems.

June 3, 2021 17:30 PM - 18:30 PM
Capacity Building is an integrated activity for Monitoring & Evaluation of large-scale development programs. Undertaking this activity amid the diverse needs of the public sector in terms of domains, operating levels and functions, needs a balance of standardization as well as frugal innovation. Using a framework of M&E competencies (behavioral, technical and functional) as a baseline, this panel explores the roadmap to develop these competencies over time and at the same time highlight the organizational enablers and envision the pedagogical innovations to achieve capacity as an outcome. Through collaborative conversations across panelists and participants, this panel attempts to clear the pathway to uplift the baseline of M&E competencies that it begins with. The session will also delve into DMEO’s efforts for building M&E capacities both in government and wider M&E ecosystem drawing upon competency models and collaboration with administrative training institutions, academia, research organizations and think tanks.


Name Title Biography
Mr. Alok Mishra Deputy Director General A Civil Servant with over 20 years of experience, Alok serves as Deputy Director General (DDG) in Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office (DMEO), NITI Aayog, where he oversees evaluation studies, external engagement, and capacity building initiatives. Alok has previously worked as Senior Deputy Director at LBSNNA, Mussoorie, Director (IITs & IIITs)/Director (International Cooperation) in the Ministry of Education and in media units of I&B Ministry of Government of India. Mr. Mishra is B.Tech from IIT-Delhi and a Gold Medallist of PG in Public Policy & Management from IIM-Bangalore & Syracuse University, USA.
Dr. Shagun Sabarwal Director - Policy, Training, and Communication Shagun Sabarwal is Director of Policy, Training, and Communications at J-PAL South Asia, and Director of CLEAR South Asia. She leads J-PAL South Asia’s engagements with governments, donors, and civil society organizations to initiate new research, disseminate policy lessons, and scale up evidence-based programs. As Director of CLEAR South Asia, she promotes the center’s mission to strengthen the monitoring, evaluation, learning systems, and data use of decision-makers in the region through capacity building and advisory services. She provides technical and strategic direction to J-PAL South Asia’s partnerships with state and central governments, including the Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office (DMEO) at NITI Aayog, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), and the State Governments of Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Punjab. She advances J-PAL South Asia’s work as a catalyst for government scale-ups of evidence-based programs, and as a technical and knowledge partner for building monitoring and evaluation systems that ensure quality at scale. She is currently leading J-PAL South Asia’s role as a knowledge partner to the Government of Bihar for the scale-up of the Graduation approach, and is a principal investigator for a process evaluation and a randomized evaluation on the adaptation of the Graduation approach by governments. Prior to joining J-PAL, Shagun was an Evaluation Specialist with 3ie and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Population Council. She completed her doctorate in public health from Harvard University.
Mr. Asela Kalugampitiya President Asela Kalugampitya is the President of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association and Sri Lanka Evaluation Association. He is a Sri Lankan lawyer who has been active in the M&E field for over 25 years. Asela has been instrumental in promotion of national evaluation policies & systems and engaging parliamentarians in evaluation globally. Asela was instrumental in launching the International Year of Evaluation 2015 and organizing the Global Evaluation Forum held at the parliament of Nepal and parliament of Kyrgyz Republic. He is the (honorary) Director- Center for Evaluation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and a member of the teaching faculty of the Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation course run by the same university. Also he is an Advisory Committee member of the International Programme for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET).
Dr. Sanjeev Sridharan Country Lead, Learning Systems and Systems Evaluation Dr. Sanjeev Sridharan is the Country Lead, Learning Systems and Systems Evaluation at the India Country Office of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He was the Director of the Evaluation Centre for Complex Health Interventions at Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michaels Hospital and an Associate Professor at the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. Prior to his position at Toronto, he was the Head of the Evaluation Program and Senior Research Fellow at the Research Unit in Health, Behaviour and Change at the University of Edinburgh. He is a former associate editor of the American Journal of Evaluation and is currently on the boards of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, New Directions for Evaluation and the Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. He is PhD from University of California and M.S from Purdue University.

June 2, 2021 17:30 PM - 18:30 PM
An effective and efficient government is one which is successful in achieving the sustainable socio- economic development goals. A number of governments are working to improve their performances by creating a system which would help in measuring the State performances and eventually the performance of the country as a whole. Monitoring and evaluation are one such framework that is used by governments to evaluate themselves on their achieved results. It's very crucial to understand that the system itself has evolved from the traditional implementation approaches to the result-based M&E approach for good governance, transparency and for achieving the tangible results through output outcome-based approach. Through collaborative conversations across panelists and participants, we will understand how M&E systems have evolved in due time and the need for institutionalizing result-based M&E systems in the country for achieving the desired results. The session would mainly give insights on the experiences gathered by different States of India while moving on to the result-based Monitoring and Evaluation approach.


Name Title Biography
Dr. Shalini Rajneesh Additional Chief Secretary, Planning Programme Monitoring and Statistics Department, Dr. Shalini Rajneesh, IAS is currently serving as Additional Chief Secretary, Planning Programme Monitoring and Statistics Department, Govt. of Karnataka, and President of Governing Body of Karnataka Evaluation Authority. She is woman topper of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) 1989 batch, is a gold medallist in Psychology, MBA from Australia and PhD in Rural Development. She has penned 13 books, 8 in English and 5 in Kannada covering subjects like Management, Personality Development, Women Empowerment, IAS Coaching etc. Besides, she regularly writes articles and gives lectures/interviews in T.V., Radio, seminars, etc., to connect to people at large, on issues of public interest. She is recipient of 9 prestigious awards and was honoured with D.Litt. by Karnataka Women’s University Vijayapura. She is always engaged in bringing innovations in governance. She steered a revolutionary legislation i.e Karnataka's Guarantee of Services to Citizens Act, 2011 popularly known as "Sakala" Project, which bagged the PRIME MINISTER'S Award for Excellence in Civil Services.
Dr. Chaya Degaonkar Chief Evaluation Officer Dr. Chaya Degaonkar is working as Chief Evaluation Officer at Karnataka Evaluation Authority, Planning Dept. GoK. Served as Professor and, Head, Dept of Economics and Women’s Studies and Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Occupied various prestigious positions in academics and University administration. Visiting Professor- Osmania University, Hyderabad, SV University Tirupathi and Institute of Human Development New Delhi. Guided 16 Ph.Ds and 30 M.Phil students. Completed 17 International, National and State funded projects, published 5 books and 72 articles Served as a member of many National and State level Committees including member of the State Task Force on Gender Budgeting and Member advisory Committee for Gender Auditing Govt. of Karnataka and Member Hyderabad Karnataka Region Development Board, Preparation of State Human Development Reports and District Human Development Reports. Recipient of 4 prestigious awards. Active and regular participation in international and national seminars, conferences and capacity building programmes as keynote speaker, resource person and Discussant. Prepared a base report for Article 371J for Hyderabad Karnataka Region in Karnataka State along with Dr. Shalini Rajneesh. Brought in many quality enhancements reforms in Karnataka Evaluation Authority.
Shri Amod Kumar Principal Secretary (Planning) Shri Amod Kumar, a graduate from IIT Kanpur and Harvard Kennedy School, has over 25 years of administrative experience in Uttar Pradesh, the biggest state in India with a population of about 230 million. Shri Amod Kumar was the youngest recipient of Prime Minister's Award for excellence in public administration in 2008 and has contributed significantly in the fields of Public Policy, e-Governance, Grievance Redressal, Education, Health and Family Welfare. Shri Amod travelled extensively and visited over 50 countries and now is instrumental in strengthening planning machinery in the state of Uttar Pradesh as Principal Secretary (Planning), Govt of Uttar Pradesh
Dr Ian Goldman Advisor on Evaluation and Evidence Systems Ian is an International Advisor in Evaluation and Evidence Systems working with CLEAR Anglophone Africa, Human Sciences Research Council, and University of Cape Town. Ian has been a board member (commissioner) of 3ie since April 2012, a Board member of SA M&E Association since October 2020, and is on the International Evaluation Academy Council. He has worked in 18 countries and works in 3 international languages. From 1978-9 Ian worked in Mexico as a soils/agronomist. Ian spent 1982-7 in Zambia on IRDP/DDSP Mpika, a pioneering project strengthening the capacity of local government to plan and implement a decentralised rural development programme. This led to a change in the approach to rural development and decentralisation of DFID and other donors. From 1988-1995 Ian was at the National Rural Enterprise Centre, a UK NGO, working in rural economic development, ending up Director, and a founder of the European Rural NGO Network, VIRGIL. From 1995-98 Ian was a Management Adviser with the Free State Minister (MEC) of Agriculture reforming the rural sector in South Africa. He wrote this up for his doctorate, awarded in 2001. From 1998-2009 Ian founded and became CEO of Khanya-aicdd (formerly Khanya-managing rural change), using action-learning partnerships to transform development systems in Africa, promoting sustainable livelihoods and community-driven development. Ian handed over as CEO in October 2009, becoming Team Leader in an EU-funded evidence-based policy programme with South Africa's Presidency. In January 2010 Ian joined the Dept of Planning, M&E (DPME) where he was Head of Evaluation and Research, and from July 2017 -June 2018 DDG of the Evidence and Knowledge Systems Branch. Ian is also a facilitator of Biodanza, a system of music, movement and dance.

June 4, 2021 17:30 PM - 18:30 PM
Large scale evaluations require not only ample resources, time and funds, but also quality baseline data. However, the sector is devoid of adequate baseline data which hampers the pre-evaluation understanding of large-scale evaluations. The session would discuss the approaches adopted by leading evaluation organisations to undertake large scale evaluations. Specifically, after COVID-19 pandemic which has posed an additional layer of challenge to collecting data, the panel will share ways in which they have changed the implementation of the evaluations. The session will explore mitigation techniques of risks which are envisaged with a large scale evaluation specifically in an ecosystem which lacks data.


Name Title Biography
Mr. Antony Cyriac Deputy Director General Antony Cyriac is a Deputy Director General at Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office, NITI Aayog. He is a member of the Indian Economic Services and has worked across various Indian ministries and departments of the Government of India on areas such as industry, infrastructure, public finance, macroeconomics and India's development partnership with other countries.
Prof. Anish Sugathan Assistant Professor Dr. Anish Sugathan is a faculty of the Strategy Area at IIMA, Co-Chair of the Advanced Business Analytics postgraduate program at IIMA, and visiting research fellow of the ‘Sustainable Futures’ program at the Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University.
Ms. Tripti Sharma Research Director Tripti is an international development professional with 25 years of experience in research and evaluation. Tripti is passionate about delivering high quality research and evaluation that impacts policy and generates evidence for strengthening development programmes. She has done her Masters in Social Science Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India and is currently a Research Director at Ipsos Public Affairs.
Maaike Bijker Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (Research) Maaike Bijker is the Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (Research) at UNICEF India. She leads the evaluations commissioned by UNICEF in India, as well as provides technical support to research, studies and monitoring activities. She also leads UNICEF’s external capacity building efforts in M&E, supporting partnerships for evidence across all UNICEF programmatic domains. Before joining UNICEF, Maaike worked as a Senior Research Manager at J-PAL South Asia in Delhi. She previously worked with Dalberg in London, SNEHA in Mumbai and the University of Cambridge, UK. Maaike holds a Masters from LSE, UK, and a Masters from the University of Cambridge, UK

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
