Not losing sight of the Climate Change agenda in the post-pandemic recovery: What evaluations can do.

Panel Discussion

About the Event

At the end of the session, participants will be aware of possible issues related to a post-pandemic recovery and how it may influence the financial investments and commitments of the national governments, donors, and multilateral institutions toward the Climate Change agenda.

The session poses the questions: What will a global post-pandemic recovery look like, and how will it affect investments towards Climate Change adaptation and mitigation?

What intersections exist between investments in COVID recovery and Climate Change actions? How can synergies be built?

How can this COVID recovery and Climate Change nexus be positioned as a result area and as an evaluative theme? What could be the role of evaluators and M&E practitioners in this changing paradigm?

The session will begin with a short presentation of the UNDP’s recent evaluation of the Climate Change Adaptation and continue with facilitated a panel discussion.


Name Title Biography
Theresa Mundita S. Lim Ph D. Executive Director Dr. Theresa Mundita S. Lim is the current Executive Director of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) where she leads the Centre in facilitating regional cooperation and coordination on biodiversity conservation for it to be sustainably managed and used.
Alan Fox Deputy Director, UNDP IEO and Adviser for the Evaluation of UNDP Support to Climate Change Adaptation Alan M Fox is the Deputy Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP. Appointed to this position in February 2021, he has been at the office since 2009, serving as a member of the management team and chief of section for corporate – thematic evaluation.
Richard Jones Chief of Section Richard Jones is a Senior Evaluation Advisor with IEO who joined UNDP in 2016. He leads the Office’s support to Decentralised Evaluation. He was a technical advisor in local governance for DANIDA in Vietnam and DfID in Tanzania developing planning, budgeting and M&E systems for local governments.
Harvey Garcia Evaluation Specialist Harvey joined UNDP IEO in January of 2020. He has worked as an evaluator for FAO HQ since 2015. Before that, he was the lead M&E for FAO’s Typhoon Haiyan response. He has also worked with UNIDO in Kenya. Initially, he was a Wildlife Biologist for CI and the International Rice Research Institute.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
