Open call for Data-powered papers on Monitoring and Evaluation

Panel, Presentation by Contestant

About the Event

To participate please register at

In the past five years, the role of M&E and its practice have been evolving. The global pandemic has only accelerated innovations in the M&E practice. Applications driven by development in technology and the advancement of mobile communications has generated a “data gold mine”. Telecommunications, along with advancements in cloud computing and storage techniques has boosted Big Data adoption. In line with developments scientific paradigms have also evolved through empirical science, theoretical science, and computational science. Now we are at the stage of data-intensive science - the latest approach to discover knowledge or extracting value through derivatives of technology- Data. Usage of data can generate economic and social value far beyond anticipation. Building on the existing definition of Information Management that focuses on ICT4D, we aim to take forward a strategic initiative with a particular focus on big data and technology use in the M & E space.

The use of artificial intelligence and integrating machine learning and big data into outcome and impact evaluations are supporting administrative data and survey-based methodologies. For this upcoming gLocal event we invite data driven policy briefs that empirically address a pertinent policy research question.

The broad counters of the Datathon are as follows:
○ The participant can be an individual or a team consisting of up to 4 Individuals.
○ The participants need to necessarily use publicly available data set, including alternative data sets available such as Geospatial data, night light data, payments data or mobility data etc.
○ If primary research being conducted the raw data file of the research, research methodology including, segmentation, sampling, consent form, questionnaire needs to be submitted. Primary survey needs to necessarily be combined with any publicly available data set.
○ The research topic and empirical analysis should have a bearing on India’s policy and / or regulation. Some sample topics are laid down in Annexure – 1.
○ The participants can explore if any of the research questions can bring in efficiency and effectiveness in any of the Central schemes or centrally sponsored schemes.
○ The Formats for proposal to be provided on the google link to be published.
○ Final Format of submission will be shared with registered participants.

To participate please register at


Name Title Biography
Dr. Abhay Kumar Head - Evidence and Results Unit -
Dr. Ashok Thomas Assistant Professor -

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators NA-National M&E Systems

Event Details
