Picturing evaluation: How visual thinking can improve facilitation and use


About the Event

A year on from the introduction of EvaluVision to the M&E community, WFP returns to gLOCAL in 2021 to present a new guide on this innovative method that brings visual thinking into evaluation validation workshops. Based on experiences from WFP pilots in the Asia and the Pacific region and from your feedback at last year’s gLOCAL session, the guide offers step-by-step instructions on how to apply EvaluVision and suggestions on how to adopt it at country level.

Following a showing of the video and presentation of the e-book, discussion will centre on experiences of EvaluVision in action before broadening out to learn from participants of other visual thinking methods that have successfully been used in workshops to encourage engagement with stakeholders, understanding of findings and ultimately in promoting evaluation use.


Name Title Biography
Keisuke Taketani Graphic Facilitator Facilitator and graphic designer, assists groups in visualising issues and bringing creative design to organisations as a problem solving tools. Currently supporting WFP in visual facilitation for evaluation workshops.
Yumiko Kanemitsu, Regional Evaluation Officer for WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific Establishing DE Function of WFP in the region, strengthening evidence-based policy making and organizational learning. Created EvaluVision with Keisuke Taketani by combining visual, design and future thinking for social innovation
Alok Mishra Deputy Director General, Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office Oversees evaluation studies of government schemes, external engagement with International Organizations and Academic Institutions besides capacity building in the field of monitoring and evaluation.
Katherine Haugh Senior Advisor, Organizational Learning Illustrator and evaluator who uses design experiences to help teams and individuals tap into their creativity and be more visual in their thinking, communication, and collaboration. She creates meaningful artwork that sparks conversation.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
