Practical applications of OECD evaluation criteria in two regions of the world

Panel Discussion

About the Event

The OECD, DEval, CLEAR-LAC, and UNICEF will hold a one-hour and a half panel in which four panelists from LAC and EU will present evaluations conducted by their organization, or a partner from their region, that used the OECD-DAC Evaluation Criteria in different regions of the world.

Panelists are encouraged to steer a practical exchange on their different perspectives and experiences on applying the Criteria. They will have from 10 to 12 minutes for their presentation, followed by Q&A with panel’s participants.

The panel will have a bilingual translation service English – Spanish.


Name Title Biography
Prof Dr Jörg Faust Director of the German Institute for Development Evaluation - DEval Prof Dr Jörg Faust is the Director of DEval, Head of department at the German Development Institute (DIE), extraordinary Professor of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, and Vice-Chair of the OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet).
Megan Kennedy-Chouane Head of Evaluation Unit - OECD Megan Kennedy-Chouane heads the Evaluation Unit in the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, managing the DAC Network on Development Evaluation and the COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition.
Riccardo Polastro ‎Regional Evaluation Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean - UNICEF LAC Riccardo Polastro is the Evaluation Adviser at UNICEF’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has twenty years of experience in humanitarian affairs and development aid for the United Nations, the International Movement of the Red Cross, NGOs, donor agencies and private firms.
Alejandro Escalona Aguero Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation - UNICEF Haiti Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in UNICEF Haiti.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
