Project Cluster Evaluations – sharing lessons from AfDB, FAO IFAD and UNODC

Panel Discussion | Hybrid
  • Organized by:
    Evaluation offices of: International Fund for Agricultural Development, African Development Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime

About the Event

Project Cluster Evaluations (PCEs) are a type of evaluation product used by some evaluation offices, with different definitions and modalities. In general, they are evaluations which cluster multiple projects/operations which have some commonalities and evaluate them as a whole. This session will share lessons on what defines a PCE in the evaluation offices of four multilateral organizations, and what lessons can be drawn so far from this type of product.

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Name Title Biography
Mr Joseph Mouanda Chief Evaluation Officer, Independent Development Evaluation, African Development Bank A Statistician-Economist by training, Joseph Mouanda has been with the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) for nearly 21 years. His current position is Chief Evaluation Officer. Joseph conducts sector/thematic evaluations and project-level evaluations of AfDB-funded Infrastructure (transport, energy, and WASH). He has also carried out synthesis evaluations on private sector development as well as corporate evaluations. Joseph also worked in evaluation capacity development and knowledge management. Prior to joining IDEV/AfDB, Joseph worked for six years in public ministries of Côte d’Ivoire, in the education and vocational training as a long-term consultant in the Education and Vocational Training Sector, mainly in the statistics, planning, and evaluation department. He has also worked as a lecturer at the National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA) of Abidjan. Joseph holds an M.Sc. in Statistics and Applied Economics and has also been trained in development evaluation, including through the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET).
Ms Seda Kojoyan Evaluation Specialist, Office of Evaluation, Food and Agriculture Organization Seda manages project evaluations, particularly relating to the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund. Prior to this, she was a Program Officer in the independent evaluation unit of the Global Fund in Geneva, Switzerland, where she managed thematic and strategic evaluations, on crosscutting topics such as technical support partnerships, challenging operating environments, regional programs, and gender, and regularly reported to the Board and governance committee. Seda holds a master’s degree in international affairs.
Mr Mikal Khan Evaluation Officer, Independent Office of Evaluation, International Fund for Agricultural Development Mikal currently conducts project and corporate evaluations. Prior to joining IOE he was an Evaluation Specialist in the UNDP Independent Evaluation Office where he conducted Independent Country Programme Evaluations and evaluation capacity development activities. Previously, as an Evaluation Specialist in the Office of Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization he led project and country evaluations and contributed to thematic evaluation. In addition, he conducted multiple monitoring, evaluation and programmatic assignments for various international organization such as WFP, IFAD and national NGOs. He holds a master’s degree in development economics.
Mr Carlos Andres Asenjo Ruiz Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Carlos currently focuses on National Evaluation Capacity Development (NECD). Previously, he worked as a Senior Economist at the World Bank, where he led the research pillar of the Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF). He has also worked as a Consultant for UNDP, FIIAPP, and OECD, and headed the Official Development Assistance monitoring unit of the government of Spain. He is the author of several publications, including a Guide for Designing, Managing, and Using Evaluations (EUROSOCIAL, 2016). Before, he was Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid and at the Complutense University of Madrid.


Name Title Biography
Ms Renata Mirulla Facilitator, EvalForward Community of Practice Ms Renata Mirulla is the facilitator of the EvalForward Community of Practice. She supports knowledge sharing and information exchange among members, summarizing topics discussed and highlighting good practices in evaluation, ensuring updates on events, resources, guidelines that are relevant to evaluation in agriculture, food security and rural development. She holds a master's degree in political sciences.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Evaluation Networks International Cooperation

Event Details
