Revisiting evaluator competencies in a dynamic and evolving context


About the Event

Two sessions during the Glocal evaluation week of 1h00 minutes each. Both these sessions will be in English but with French and possibly Portuguese translation. The sessions will include break out groups in English, French and Portuguese to facilitate discussions and obtain feedback from participants.

CLEAR-AA had developed a competency framework for an African Evaluation Practice, which was finalised in late 2019. The competency framework went through various revisions and obtained feedback from stakeholders in a number of Evaluation platforms including the AfrEA and SAMEA conferences. Having a competency framework is key to strengthening evaluators and towards professionalization of evaluation. The competency framework is not intended to be used for purposes of credentialing.At the same time it forms an important basis or point of departure for the development of a competency-based curriculum for the African continent. CLEAR-AA, AfrEA and AfrEA YEE network are keen on taking steps on practically using the competency framework and to guide the harmonisation of evaluation education offerings by institutions of higher learning. In order to do this, the competency framework needs to be revised to be reflective and relevant to the needs of present-day evaluators in the continent. Since 2019 the evaluation context has changed, with now evaluations taking into account the COVID-19 pandemic. The sessions aim to address the gaps that may be evident in the competency framework noting the changes in the Evaluation landscape in general and Africa in particular.
AfrEA YEE network in collaboration with AfrEA and CLEAR-AA feel the need to obtain feedback from the emerging, emergent and senior evaluators to better build on this knowledge product. The aim of these two sessions is to present the CLEAR-AA competency framework, and to solicit feedback and inputs from evaluation stakeholders on how these competencies can be revised considering the change in the evaluation context since 2019.

Therefore, the specific purpose of these two sessions is 1) To showcase the 2019 CLEAR-AA ‘Competency Framework for an Africa-Wide Evaluation Practice’ and 2) To review and gather feedback from the stakeholders on the competencies in terms of its relevance and usefulness for the existing evaluation context.

Session 1 – May 30th 2PM-3PM CAT
Welcome and intro of presenters (10 min).
Will aim to present the CLEAR-AA final competencies framework, explaining what they are to be presented by a CLEAR-AA representative. Explain the need for feedback on the competencies (20min). Facilitated group discussions with participant's (3 french groups, 3 english groups and potentially one or two Portuguese groups - this will be dependent on the participants).

Session 2 – May 31st – 2PM-3PM CAT
During session 2, a short recap of the competencies and the feedback obtained from Session 1 will be done by CLEAR-AA and AfrEA YEE representatives. Participants will be then grouped to discuss specific feedback points on how to revise the competencies. At the end of this session, there should be clear feedback points on what and how the competencies can be made more relevant as well as ways in which the competencies can be used to inform the evaluation curriculum in the continent. The groups will be facilitated by AfrEA YEE network champions and key CLEAR-AA representatives (3 french groups, 3 english groups and potentially one or two Portuguese groups - this will be dependent on the participants). A short presentation on an existing evaluator self-assessment competency form that had been adapted by AfrEA YEE network and CLEAR-AA to assess proficiency levels using the competency framework will be shared.


May 30, 2022 14:00 PM - 15:00 PM
Session Details: Session 1 – May 30th – 3PM-4PM CAT Welcome to the session. The session would be moderated by the AfrEA YEE network chair and possibly translated into French and Portuguese (based on the number of Portuguese speaking participants). A presentation will be made by a CLEAR-AA representative on the CLEAR-AA final competencies framework and the need for a review of the competencies given the change in the evaluation context since 2019. The presentation will be followed by facilitated group discussions (English, French and possibly Portuguese) to solicit feedback on the competencies in terms of relevance and usefulness given the change in the context. Short feedback from each group will be shared in plenary. The key feedback points will then form the basis for further group discussions in Session 2. A short survey form will be sent to participants after the session for them to indicate which of the key feedback points they would like to discuss further in session 2.


Name Title Biography
Siyabonga Sibiya Researcher Mr Sibiya played an integral role at CLEAR-AA in the coordination of the CLEAR-AA competencies. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Management and Governance and an Honours Degree in Development Studies from the University of Johannesburg. Prior to joining CLEAR-AA, he held a Research and Knowledge Intern position at the Transport Education Training Authority (TETA), where he studied skills development within the transport sector. He has worked with the Centre for Social Change at the University of Johannesburg where he focussed on research topics in areas of social change and revolutionary ideological themes. Siyabonga’s other research interests include evidence use, participatory evaluation methods and advocacy.
Mark Mulobi Young and Emerging Evaluator Mark is a MEL Consultant for UNF working with Digital Impact Alliance(DIAL), he is the Vice-Chair for EvalYouth Global Network and a Co-chair of AfrEA YEE Network. He holds a MA in Monitoring and Evaluation and BA in Community Development from Daystar University in Nairobi Kenya. He is also a core member of IRIPE, An initiative for the professionalization of evaluation to promote quality, credible and independent evidence for informed policymaking, in the context of the SDGs era, through in-country capacity strengthening at individual and institutional levels. Mark is a dedicated advocate and champion for YEEs in Africa .

May 31, 2022 14:00 PM - 15:00 PM
Session Details: Session 1 – May 31th – 3PM-4PM CAT Welcome to the session. The session would be moderated by a CLEAR-AA representative and translated possibly into French and Portuguese (based on the number of Portuguese speaking participants). Recap of the CLEAR-AA competencies framework by a CLEAR-AA representative and the initial feedback points obtained from session 1. Participants will be put into groups, facilitated in English, French and possibly Portuguese. The discussion will further unpack each of the feedback points with the aim of providing some recommendations on how the competencies can be specifically revised/adapted and reasons to support these recommendations. Quick feedback will be shared by designated facilitators (AfrEA YEE network and CLEAR-AA representatives. The feedback can then be used as a first step by CLEAR-AA to revising the evaluator competencies for Africa. A short presentation of an evaluator self-assessment competency tool linked to the competencies will be shared with participants to showcase how the competencies can be practically used by evaluators to assess themselves.


Name Title Biography
Siyabonga Sibiya Researcher Mr Sibiya played an integral role at CLEAR-AA in the coordination of the CLEAR-AA competencies. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Management and Governance and an Honours Degree in Development Studies from the University of Johannesburg. Prior to joining CLEAR-AA, he held a Research and Knowledge Intern position at the Transport Education Training Authority (TETA), where he studied skills development within the transport sector. He has worked with the Centre for Social Change at the University of Johannesburg where he focussed on research topics in areas of social change and revolutionary ideological themes. Siyabonga’s other research interests include evidence use, participatory evaluation methods and advocacy.
Khumo Pule Monitoring & Evaluation Officer Miss Khumo Pule works within the Strengthening Legislature business line at CLEAR-AA. She has supported several large government evaluations in South Africa through her internship at the DPME and gained experience in undertaking utilization focused evaluations in the education and ICT sector while employed at Benita Williams Evaluations. She provided a presentation at the 2019 South African Monitoring and Association (SAMEA) on M&E skills in a Changing World-Upskilling Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs). In addition, she successfully participated as an advanced mentee in the EvalYouth Global Mentoring Program 2019 and is currently a convenor for SAMEAs’ YEE Technical Interest Group (TIG) and is a member of the SAMEA-DPME Technical Group for emerging evaluators. Khumo has academic training in the field of Population and Development studies (University of Northwest), honours level academic training in the field of Development studies (University of Pretoria) and I completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation (Stellenbosch University).
Mark Mulobi Young and Emerging Evaluator Mark is a MEL Consultant for UNF working with Digital Impact Alliance(DIAL), he is the Vice-Chair for EvalYouth Global Network and a Co-chair of AfrEA YEE Network. He holds a MA in Monitoring and Evaluation and BA in Community Development from Daystar University in Nairobi Kenya. He is also a core member of IRIPE, An initiative for the professionalization of evaluation to promote quality, credible and independent evidence for informed policymaking, in the context of the SDGs era, through in-country capacity strengthening at individual and institutional levels. Mark is a dedicated advocate and champion for YEEs in Africa .

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
