South-South Collaborative efforts to shift power in evaluations- an Equity Centred Evaluation

Panel Discussion | Online

About the Event

The panel will explore the value of having South-South collaborations using examples of efforts developed in South Asia and in collaboration with partners from Asia Pacific, Latin America and Africa. GENSA and PRAXIS have extensive experience in providing a culture aware, innovative, participatory and equity focused evaluation approach that has been developed through years of praxis, using grounded theory approaches with a focus on social transformation.

Power dynamics are not JUST about the Global North and Global South but they co-exist in the Global South itself. What approaches can we use and offer to young emerging evaluators that resonate with our lived realities? What are our challenges and opportunities to develop a ‘localized, transformative evaluation approach, methodology and tools.’ Using concrete examples, GENSA and PRAXIS will deconstruct the multiple understandings of “equity in evaluation” and discuss concrete ways to go forward. We believe that unless we analyze systematically who is excluded in the evaluation process, and how this exclusion happens at different levels, we, in the Global South cannot claim to have changed the paradigm or advocate for a different more equitable global evaluation ecosystem. We will explore how injustices are –proactively or subtly– reinforced by institutional day-to-day decisions regarding how evaluations are designed, funded, commissioned, implemented, and disseminated. We will also explore specific levels of responsibility that need to be taken into consideration to radically transform the evaluation industry first in our backyard and then across the Global South and globally. These efforts have to be collaborative and we will discuss some of the promising pathways available.

This panel will share excerpts from the South Asian narratives on the inequity perpetuated in north-south collaborative evaluations which mirror a deep structural and colonial inequity.


Name Title Biography
Pradeep Narayanan Director- Research & Capacity Building, PRAXIS A participatory development practitioner, Pradeep has expertise in facilitating community-led monitoring of programmes & projects with communities facing marginalisation. He is currently Honorary Fellow at Durham University & member of the International Advisory Board of Community Development Journal.
Sonal Zaveri Founder and Regional Coordinator, GENSA - Gender and Equity Network South Asia With over 30 years’ experience in strategic planning, program design, capacity building, mentoring, and evaluation, Sonal holds several regional and global leadership positions being Co-chair Evalgender+, Founder member, COE-SA & a board member of IEAc (International Evaluation Academy).
Paromita Chowdhury Programme Officer, Oak Foundation A Packard Fellow on Population and Reproductive Health, Paromita has substantial experience of working across remote districts of India. She has worked with CARE India and Oxfam Great Britain on issues of reproductive rights, economic justice , rights to essential services and gender justice.


Name Title Biography
Shweta Anand Social Network Analysis & MEL Expert A development communication professional with an edge in Participatory Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation & Social Network Analysis (SNA), Shweta has over 10 years of experience of working in the research & evaluation industry. A core member of GENSA since its inception, she is currently involved as an Evaluation Analyst with CGIAR (Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research Centers), & is a Board member of Community of Evaluators – South Asia (COE-SA).

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Evaluation users VOPEs / Evaluation networks Media Academics Students Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

Event Details
