Unlocking Digital Pathways: A Toolkit for Fostering Engagement of Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE)

Webinar | Online
  • Organized by:
    AfrEA YEE

About the Event

EvalYouth, a global network of Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs), envisions empowering professionals and promoting youth inclusion in evaluations on a global scale. This abstract focuses on Task Force 1's (TF1) efforts within EvalYouth, specifically focusing on the profound implications of the digital era on professional trajectories.

The TF1 initiative has resulted in the creation of a comprehensive toolkit designed to guide Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) in effectively engaging YEEs in leadership and governance structures. Leveraging insights from qualitative data, including interviews with VOPE leaders and YEEs, focus group discussions, and policy reviews, the toolkit identifies current engagement practices and provides practical steps to enhance YEE participation.

At the heart of this toolkit is an exploration of the intersection between youth engagement and the digital revolution, emphasizing the mutual benefits for both VOPEs and YEEs. It digs into the ways digital tools can be effectively harnessed to facilitate YEE involvement, presenting novel perspectives and diverse skill sets to VOPEs while affording YEEs opportunities for capacity development, networking, and professional growth within the dynamic landscape of M&E. The toolkit not only underscores the importance of adapting to the digital revolution but also provides actionable lessons for VOPEs to successfully foster YEE engagement in this era. This includes the formulation of a comprehensive YEE engagement plan, the formalization of commitments, and robust support for professional development. Through alignment with the dynamics of the digital revolution, VOPEs can unlock the full potential of YEEs, contributing significantly to the evolution of career development and innovation in monitoring and evaluation practices on a global scale.

In conclusion, this submission from EvalYouth's TF1 presents a toolkit that strategically integrates the digital revolution's influence on career development, providing a roadmap for VOPEs to adapt and thrive in the evolving landscape of M&E training.


Name Title Biography
Mark Mulobi Mr Mark Mulobi is a policy, monitoring, evaluation and learning consultant for the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) of the United Nations Foundation (UNF). He is part of the team that helps bridge the gap of digital inclusiveness, using evaluation to better the lives of others and ensure that no one is left behind in the world. Mark Mulobi is the Co-chair of EvalYouth Global Network and AfrEA YEE Network. He is a Board member at AfrEA and AGDEN.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Civil Society Youth

Event Details
