Using AI to strengthen M&E processes and enhance impact


About the Event

AI tools' usage topic in the context of M&E or data collection. Generally, AI has been featured in most conference in the recent past and likely to draw participants. The webinar will cover topics like use of AI tools in intervention implementation, data collection, or even evaluation, and how it is changing these / creating challenges or can be used to strengthen these processes.


Name Title Biography
Dr. Athar Osama Founder, Pakistan Innovation Foundation (PIF) Athar is an established S&T leader and the founder of Pakistan Innovation Foundation (PIF). He specializes in S&T policy and commercialization and has helped establish US Army Venture Fund and as a Director at ANGLE plc supported UK Carbon Trust Cleantech Incubator, London’s SME Innovation Program and many other University IP initiatives. He has completed his PhD from Pardee RAND Graduate School in Public Policy with a focus on Technology Policy and Management
Jazib Zahir Chief Operations Officer, Tintash (Pvt) Ltd Jazib serves as the Chief Operations Officer of Tintash (Pvt) Ltd, a software services studio in Pakistan where he has been involved in product development for a range of global clients including Sesame Workshop, Houghton Mifflin, BBC, Carnegie Mellon University and others. He has significant experience in consulting for edtech startups in Silicon Valley particularly in the space of workforce upskilling. He has been teaching university courses in Pakistan on entrepreneurship and education. He has global exposure to projects particularly in the education space from Colombia to Pakistan to Japan. He also has experience in emerging industries such as solar power and telecommunications. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences including at the Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference, the MIT Scratch conference and the mEd Alliance Symposium. He has completed a BS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, an MBA from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (Pakistan) and an Ed.M. in Technology, Innovation and Education from Harvard.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners VOPEs / Evaluation networks Youth Activist Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee M&E for non traditional audiences Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
