Using Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) to Evaluate Energy and GHG Emission Reduction Initiatives in Latin America

Webinar | Online

About the Event

This presentation focuses on using SCC as a key tool to evaluate the environmental and economic impact of energy programs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction initiatives in Latin America. Through a detailed analysis, we will explore how the SCC can be applied to measure the externalities of different energy projects and policies. We will also explore how this methodology can guide decision-making towards more sustainable options in a holistic way, considering economic, social, and environmental effects.The presentation includes the following topics:

Introduction to SCC
An introduction to the SCC concept will be provided, highlighting its importance in the context of climate change and energy policy assessment.

Factors Influencing SCC
Factors that affect SCC estimation will be examined, including climate impacts, discount rate and uncertainty, and how these influence the valuation of energy projects.

Methodology to Calculate the SCC
We will describe the methodology for calculating SCC, presenting commonly used models and discussing the selection of critical parameters in the Latin American context. We elaborate on the different variables that contribute to SCC’s calculation and explain how they are included in said methodology.

SCC Applications in Energy Programs
Exemplary case studies (using fictitious programs but based on real programs) of how to use SCC to evaluate energy programs in Latin America will be explored, highlighting lessons learned and best practices.

Challenges and Future Considerations
The challenges associated with the application of the SCC will be discussed and perspectives will be offered on how this methodology can be better used in the future to promote sustainable energy development in the region.


Name Title Biography
Elizabeth Sweitzer Senior Consultant Energy, Sustainability & Infrastructure | Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist Elizabeth Sweitzer is a Senior Consultant and Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist at Guidehouse, where she leverages her extensive policy and evaluation experience to drive impactful decision-making in the energy sector.
Jonathan Rincon Lopez Managing Consultant, Energy, Sustainability & Infrastructure Jonathan Rincon Lopez is a Managing Consultant at Guidehouse, where he helps utilities, regulators, and investors develop the business strategies and policies needed to navigate the energy transition.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Evaluation users Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Academics Students Climate Change Environment Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Governance International Cooperation M&E for non traditional audiences Public Policy

Event Details
