Working in partnership on employability projects: evaluation and impact


About the Event

Teach India is a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of The Times of India. With the British Council as its knowledge partner, the initiative is implemented on ground through the partner NGOs (in Delhi) and colleges (in Mumbai) . The initiative focuses on promoting volunteerism and imparting spoken English skills to underprivileged youth to enhance their employability.

We at the British Council carried out third party review of the programme to explore the extent to which the current design can be improved and/or replicated in other contexts. The main aim of this research is to assess both outcomes and perceived impact among participants and key stakeholders using primarily qualitative research methods, as well as evaluating the effectiveness and sustainability of programme delivery.
The participants will learn about the programme and the review undertaken using OECD-DAC criteria’s. They will also learn about how to review similar porgrammes.


Name Title Biography
Anvesha Khandelwal Punjani Head, M&E Anvesha is Head- Research, Monitoring and Evaluation at the British Council. She has Masters in Economics and has work worked with bi-lateral, multi-lateral and not for profit organisation on Research, Monitoring and Evaluation for around 15 years.
Deepali Dharamraj Assistant Director Deepali has been working on large-scale teacher development projects across the country for over a decade in the areas of project design and implementation focusing on academic quality. She has an MA in Sociology and diplomas in ELT and advertising and public relations.

Topics and Themes

Academics NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
