Youth and Evidence Use Culture : The Contribution of the Institute LE BAROMETRE

Webinar | Online

About the Event

The African Institute for Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of Development Policies, Programs and Projects called LE BAROMETRE has launched in 2021 a layered capacity-building initiative for emerging French-speaking evaluators known as the "Camp des Evaluateurs Emergents Francophones". This evaluation bootcamp initiative has already been carried out in three countries (Benin, Niger and Togo) and is currently in its 7th edition. Following an evaluation of the initiative using the SWOT analytical framework, supported by semi-structured interviews with resource persons and a sample of participants from the various editions in different countries, it emerged that youth capacity building in evaluation needs to be integrated into a model that promotes the accessibility and use of evidence at decentralized level, to feed the efforts being made at central level.
In this webinar, a team of LE BAROMETRE intends to share the lessons leart from the experiences compiled from the various Evaluation Bootcamps for Emerging Francophone Evaluators (Camp des Evaluateurs Emergents Francophones) that it has organized, and at the same time solicit the extension of its collaboration to new partners with a view to further promoting the production, accessibility and use of evidence in the age of digitalization.


Name Title Biography
Deo-Gracias Houndolo Senior Evaluator Deo-Gracias HOUNDOLO is a Senior Expert in Evaluation, committed to the use of evidence to inform policy. Since 2021, he is a founding member of the institute Le Barometre, specialized in the development of digital solutions for evidence use, monitoring-evaluation and information systems.


Name Title Biography
Prof. Charles Amoatey Director, Development Impact West Africa (DIWA), GIMPA Prof. Charles Amoatey has 15 years of experience as a Development Evaluation and Management professional. He is currently a Professor and the Director of Training and Consulting at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). He has consulted for several local and international Development Agencies including World Bank, ECOWAS, IFAD, UNDP, DFID, GIZ, KfW, SECO, Danida, and IFAD in the fields of Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, and regional economic development. He consulted for ILO in undertaking a rationalization of social protection programmes in Ghana. Charles has supported several public sector and international agencies in policy development, setting up of performance management systems and strategic planning. He led the development of M&E policies for Ghana and ECOWAS and currently supporting the Ghana M&E Ministry in the development of a government-wide Results framework. Prof. Amoatey has facilitated the establishment of several collaborative partnerships between GIMPA and other institutions including University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, African Union Leadership Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and the University of California-Berkeley in the USA.

Topics and Themes

Evaluation Comissioners Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Youth Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Evaluation Networks Governance Poverty Public Policy Youth in Evaluation

Event Details
