Creating impactful policies and programmes - Bridging the M&E gap in a post-COVID world

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À propos de l'événement

The panel discussion will bring together experts and from Pakistan M&E professionals who will discuss the gaps in current M&E system, capacity constraints, challenges confronted during COVID19, and ways to put M&E back in the center, by creating a culture of decision-making driven by data.
There is an understanding of the regional and national gaps in M&E. Commitment to Agenda 2030 or having great implementation plans is just not enough if there is any monitoring or accountability at output and outcome levels. There are noticeable shortfalls in M&E capacities as well as practices e.g. needs for evaluations with prompt turnaround. This panel discussion brings together academicians, policy-makers, program managers working with M&E together, to share their challenges and gaps, but more importantly, to visualize the M&E systems post-COVID19, possibilities of collaboration and other innovative ideas to centralize M&E and bring about a paradigm shift in the institutional cultures. The audience will learn about the M&E ecosystem, practices and gaps in Pakistan, good practices and lessons from the region, and proposed solutions for more impactful policies, resulting in visible and measurable public well-being.


Nom Titre Biography
Dr Shabnum Sarfraz Member Social Sector & Devolution Dr Shabnum Sarfraz is a globally acknowledged leading development professional with rich experience in monitoring and impact evaluations. A visiting scientist at Harvard Global Health Institute and LEAD fellow, Dr Sarfraz leads the complete development portfolio of Government of Pakistan.
Ms Maha Rehman Analytics Specialist, Director Policy MHRC & Econ Adj. Faculty member Maha, a data analytics specialist, has almost a decade of experience in designing and executing evidence-based programs, products and policies to improve service delivery and impact. She setup the Analytics Wing at CERP and has led research experiments in education, public finance & governance.
Dr Gulshad Khan General Manager Monitoring and Evaluation Dr Gulshan Khan, a veterinary doctor by training, is leading the M&E operations of Brooke Pakistan for over 15 years now, working with the remotest communities in the country on working equid's welfare, designing LFAs for new interventions in alignment with Brooke UK's Theory of Change.
Dr Ammar A Malik Senior Research Scientist Dr Ammar Malik is the Director of Research at Evidence for Policy Design, Harvard Kennedy School, Affiliate at the Middle East Initiative at Harvard's Belfer Center, Non-Resident Fellow at the Urban Institute and Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan.
Dr Roomi Aziz Technical Lead Health Data and Communication Dr Roomi Aziz is a public health and development professional currently supporting the COVID19 Secretariat at the Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan with post-COVID recovery evidence-backed program design and growth planning. She has rich experience in research, monitoring & evaluation.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Secteur public Professionnels en S & E

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