Becoming Feminist Evaluators: A Learning Journey at Global Affairs Canada


À propos de l'événement

In 2017, Canada adopted the Feminist International Assistance Policy, which is grounded in the belief that “supporting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is the best way to build a more peaceful, more inclusive and more prosperous world.” Since then, the internal evaluation division of Global Affairs Canada has been experimenting with evaluation approaches that reflect this core belief. This includes efforts to integrate the principles and methods associated with feminist evaluation.

This roundtable discussion will provide an overview of the evaluation division’s ongoing experiences with feminist evaluation. It will include practical examples of how feminist and gender-sensitive approaches have been integrated into three program evaluations at Global Affairs Canada, namely:

-The Evaluation of International Assistance Programming in Colombia, which included a pilot application of feminist evaluation principles during the data collection
-The Evaluation of Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in the Middle East and the Maghreb, which developed an innovative data collection tool to measure women’s empowerment
-The Formative Evaluation of Women’s Voice and Leadership, which has fully adopted a feminist approach to evaluation planning and design

Presenters will reflect on the value of these approaches for their respective evaluations, the challenges of implementing a feminist approach, and lessons learned for practitioners interested in exploring feminist evaluation approaches. A Q&A session will follow.

Our organization’s experiences with feminist evaluation to date have enriched our work, while posing difficult questions about how to best ensure inclusion, participation and representation of women, girls and other marginalized groups. We look forward to sharing our journey with you! Please contact us if you require any accommodations to participate.


Nom Titre Biography
Silvia Grandi Evaluation Manager Silvia has more than 15 years of experience in evaluation of international assistance programs. Prior to joining Global Affairs Canada in 2019, she worked as a monitoring evaluation and learning advisor for Canadian NGOs, and as evaluation consultant for several UN agencies.
Maria Alexandra Santillana Senior Evaluation Officer Maria Alexandra Santillana is a tireless advocate for the integration for the sound application of feminist principles in her evaluative work. She has piloted feminist evaluation approaches in her work on the Colombia and Peru Country Program Evaluations.
Benite Mandaka Evaluation Officer Benite is a member of Global Affairs Canada's international assistance evaluation team and has over 8 years of experience in evaluation and international development with both NGOs and government programs. She has a strong interest in gender, conflict-affected states and inclusion.
Sanaa Tawfiq Qasmieh Evaluator (Jordan) Sanaa has more than 10 year of experience in the areas of human rights, women’s social and economic empowerment, gender mainstreaming, gender justice, gender and peacebuilding and others. She has completed more than 30 consulting projects and assignments in the Middle East, Africa and Asia regions.
Fabiola Amariles Evaluator (Colombia) Economist specialized in gender equality issues in international development. Expert in participatory evaluation, she has led projects in Latin America, South Asia, and Africa. Director of Learning for Impact, in USA and Colombia. Member of the Management Group of EvalGender+, Board member of IDEAS.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Professionnels en S & E

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