Lessons Learned in carrying out evaluations for UN agencies worldwide

Table ronde

À propos de l'événement

The panel will present lessons learned from experienced evaluators and UN Project managers in carrying out evaluations for United Nations agencies worldwide. It will cover successful experiences, common challenges and also guidance on how to manage a successful evaluation, ensuring it is useful, relevant and impactful.


Nom Titre Biography
Melissa Andrade Costa Evaluation Consultant Evaluation Consultant with over 20 years of experience in working for various UN agencies and carrying out evaluations worlwide in different thematic areas such as Peacebuilding, HIV, Volunteerism, Human Rights and Poverty Reduction.
Nana Gibradze Ms. Evaluator with 20 years’ experience in formulation, management and evaluation of development policies and programmes, mostly with UNDP. She has worked in the areas of Capacity Development, Crisis Prevention and Recovery, Poverty/Social Development and Governance.
Ana Rosa Monteiro Soares Chief of Corporate and Thematic Evaluations at UNDP Ana Rosa Soares works at the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP and manages corporate and programmatic evaluations such as the Evaluation of Inter-Agency Operational Services, the Evaluation of the Strategic Plan, Global and Regional Programmes, among other relevant evaluations.
Tammy Smith Senior Advisor Before joining the PBF, Tammy served in UNICEF, including as senior advisor for Peacebuilding and Recovery in NY and chief of social policy and M&E in UNICEF Yemen. Prior to the UN, she was an assistant professor at Stony Brook and a research fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Nadhiya Najab - Moderator Researcher Nadhiya is a researcher interested in looking at post-war resettlement experiences and assistance, labour migration, livelihood opportunities for marginalised and vulnerable groups with a strong gender focus. She carries out research at CEPA and engages in evaluation as a consultant.

Sujets et thèmes

NA-Government Officials Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Autre

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