Taking stock of the responsiveness of VOPEs during the COVID-19 pandemic

Événement en ligne

À propos de l'événement

More often than not VOPEs voices and lenses do not find expressions in the evaluation debate. Due to a myriad of reasons, fewer platforms of engagements are usually convened and led by VOPEs. This forms the basis for convening the upcoming activity which will take a form of a webinar. This webinar which will be coordinated by SAMEA, AFREA, GMEF and CLEAR-AA and intends to bring together regional VOPEs with the objective to reflect on the lessons learnt concerning the responsiveness of VOPEs during and their implications post the COVID-19 pandemic.

Objectives of the seminar

 Profile the work of individual VOPEs across the region
 Share lessons on how individual VOPEs responded to the COVID-19 pandemic
 Reflect on the implications of this pandemic and how it affects M&E in the future
 Provide a networking platform for nascent and established VOPEs


Nom Titre Biography
Mokgophana Ramasobana Chairperson Mokgophana is the Chair of the SouthAfrican Monitoring and EvaluationAssociation (SAMEA), and an independentevaluator with specific interest in Africanapproaches to M&E.
Dede Bedu-Addo Coordinator Dede Bedu-Addo is the Coordinator of the Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum. She works as a private Consultant on Gender, M&E and other Development issues. Dede has done extensive work with both governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations at local/community, national and international levels.
Rosetti Nabbumba Nayenga Deputy Head Rosetti Rosetti is a monitoring and evaluation practitioner with more than 20 years professional experience. She works at the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development as the Deputy Head of the Budget, Monitoring and Accountability Unit (BMAU).

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants Autre

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