Transforming M&E for Achieving the SDGs-Integrating gender equality to achieve the SDGs

Table ronde

À propos de l'événement

The Panel will present and discuss the key messages in the EVALSDGs Insight #10 recently published by EVALSDGs and Eval Gender+ which concerns gender inequality and the degree to which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can assure equality and equity among peoples. A review of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of the implementation of SDGs in 66 countries indicate that countries must act now and vigorously. The Insight proposes some solutions which the panel will reinforce for strengthening gender responsiveness in SDGs implementation and evaluation.


Nom Titre Biography
Isha Wedasinghe Miranda Independent EVALUATOR and Visiting Lecturer Isha Wedasinghe Miranda Member of the EvalSDG guidance group from inception is an Independent EVALUATOR and Visiting Lecturer KDU Defense University of Sri-Lanka (Garduate Studies Faculty.)Member COE South Asia, Former Board Member Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA)and Ex -Board Secretar
Florence Etta Vice Co-Chair of EVALSDGs A WECC 2020 judge, currently the Vice Co-Chair of EVALSDGs, a global network created in 2015 by EvalPartners and the Vice Chair of the Africa Gender & Development Evaluators network established in 2002. She served as Chair of the UN Women Global Evaluation Advisory Committee between 2017 and 2019
Ravi M. Ram Evaluation and Strategy professional Ravi M. Ram is an Evaluation and Strategy professional, with expertise in applying a gender, equity and social inclusion lens to development evaluations. Based in Nairobi, he contributes to AGDEN, the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA), and the EvalSDGs Guidance Group. Ravi co-edited the EI
Hayat Askar Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) professional A Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) professional with experience in the fields of M&E, Project Management, Data Visualization and Gender, working with various stakeholders from government, private sector and international organizations. She is the Vice-president of Jordan Development Evaluation Associ
Sonal Zaveri strategic planning and evaluation expert. Independent Consultant, with 25 years’ experience in strategic planning, capacity building and evaluation; founder of GENSA, Gender and Equity network South Asia and COE SA, member of EvalGender+ Management Group , the Board of Trustees IOCE, the EvalPartners Coordination Committee and EvalSDG group
Svetlana Negroustoueva M&E, learning and gender expert M&E, learning and gender expert with almost 20 years of experience with multi-stakeholder and public-private partnerships across donors, She has incorporated gender and equity focus, underlined by feminist principles, into evaluations, and monitoring activities.Former co-chair of EvalGender+network.
Florencia Tateossian Evaluation Specialist Evaluation and Research, Communications, Knowledge Management. Evaluation manager of the Corporate Evaluation on the contribution of UN Women to increasing women’s leadership and participation to peace and security and humanitarian response and the UN Women's Economic Empowerment

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Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants

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