Valuing new information: How can we take better decisions about what evaluations to pursue?

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Do development decision-makers spend too much/too little on gathering evidence? The development community at large agrees that decisions should be based on evidence, but what tools do we have to help decision-makers decide whether new evidence generation activities (like evaluations) are worth the cost, especially when those costs could otherwise be spend on program implementation?

A small team at IDinsight has been working to turn the concept of value of information (VoI) into a rigorous and practical approach to estimating the value of new research in the international development sector. We suspect that too little is spent on new information in some contexts and too much in others because decision-makers rarely base the research funding decision on the question: “how much will our social impact improve based on this information (in expectation)?” Even when new research is clearly valuable, studies are often designed based on defaults for academic studies, rather than optimized for the cost-effectiveness of information given the decision at hand. Our goal is to develop practical methods for reducing the social impact lost due to poor research funding decisions: either the failure to fund research that would be high VoI or the choice to redirect funds from impactful programs to low-VoI research.

In this session, we will present our approach to calculating the optimal investment in new research given the decision needs at hand and helping resource-constrained decision makers take better decisions about which evaluations are worth pursuing. There will be plenty of time for feedback and discussion on whether VoI approaches are valuable in this context, how our methods could be made more rigorous, and how we can collectively innovate to ensure funds are directed towards the most impactful research.


Nom Titre Biography
Mallika Sobti Manager at IDinsight Mallika is a Manager at IDinsight based in Nairobi, Kenya. She brings over 5 years of experience in research supporting policy makers and practitioners in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Senegal.
Zack Devlin-Foltz Economist Zack is an Economist based at IDinsight’s office in Rabat, Morocco. He brings more than seven years of experience in leadership and research on multiple continents and has supported a variety of IDinsight projects ranging from large RCTs to long term research partnerships with governments.
Chau Hoang Senior Associate Chau Hoang is a Senior Associate at IDinsight, based in Rabat, Morocco.Prior to joining IDinsight, Chau interned at Bard Early Colleges (BEC), where she helped develop a strategic plan for growing BEC’s network of partnerships in Asia. She has also conducted research on various policy issues, from p

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur public Professionnels en S & E

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