National Evaluation Capacity Building in Humanitarian Context of Afghanistan

Événement de réseautage

À propos de l'événement

Afghan Evaluation Society (AfES) in collaboration with EvalYouth Afghanistan are organizing a debate roundable session; during the gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022. The purpose of the session is to re-assess National Evaluation Capacty Development (NECD) interventions in Afghanistan, in the context of Fragility, Conflicts, Violence and humaniterian crises. The session will provide a safe-space for Afghan Evaluators and others interested to have a free conversation on the next steps of NECD in Afghanistan.


Nom Titre Biography
Samandar Mahmodi Chairman, Board of Directors Mr. Samandar Mahmodi is the chairman of Afghan Evaluation Society. He is also working for EvalPartners as Executive Coordinator, and is one of the founders of EvalYouth Afghanistan and EvalYouth Asia.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants Autre Paix et sécurité Pauvreté Justice sociale Systèmes nationaux de S&E Les jeunes dans l’évaluation

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