Événement en ligne

À propos de l'événement

There is need for consistently evaluating the SDG indicators as we move towards the year 2030. The MEPAK presenters, Mr. Waiyego, and Eddah, will take the participants through a practical session on Using GIS and Remote sensing in Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning. These are cheap, easy to use, yet very efficient and sustainable. They can be used at any time especially now that the world is experiencing multiple crises such as pandemics, war, and insecurity. The session will be very interactive and practical.


Nom Titre Biography
Solomon Waiyego and Eddah Kanini Survey, mapping and M&E Expert Mr Waiyego is a Surveying, mapping and M&E Expert with experience in GISdevelopment, digital mapping, mobile and GPS remote sensing, Aerial photography, satelight imagery and LiDAR scanning, modelling and simulation among others.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants Sécurité alimentaire et nutrition Évaluation tenant compte des sexospécificités Pauvreté Eau & Assainissement Systèmes nationaux de S&E Les jeunes dans l’évaluation Santé

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