From COVID-19 to SDGs: Leveraging Evidence-use to Enhance Governance & Socio-economic Development

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À propos de l'événement

The primary purpose and objective of this webinar co-organized by APNODE & TSUE, is to highlight: a) the evolution of evidence-use within African Parliaments; and, b) governance implications of the impact of COVID-19 for African countries. Discussions will touch on developments in M&E, notably how innovations in data collection, analysis, and use are shaping evaluation demand and utilization within Parliaments. Further, the institutionalization of evaluation and its recognition as a powerful tool of governance will be addressed, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifically the discussions will interrogate the role of MPs and Parliament as an institution to uphold good governance in times of crisis; dialogue on the extent to which the governance systems and institutions within African countries, are capacitated to assist and guide the recovery of African countries post-COVID-19; and what challenges are faced and opportunities presented, in MPs efforts to ensure good governance, evidence-led development, and the attainment of SDGs by 2030.

Panelists will draw on their lived experiences, country-contexts, and the wider African situations to address the above-mentioned issues. Their discussions will center on issues of the regulatory, legislative, and related institutional systems and processes that need to be in place, and/or strengthened to enable African countries to not only achieve a meaningful post-recovery from COVID-19, but also put them on a right track to attain their SDG targets. In so doing, the session will tease-out and highlight the governance systems that shape evidence-use, accountability and probity, as well as various institutional structures and an enabling environment aimed toward fostering socio-economic development in a post-COVID-19 Africa.


Nom Titre Biography
Honorable Noël Rossan Goakûn Toé Moderator /Former MP of Burkina Faso, and former APNODE EC Member Honorable Noël Rossan Goakûn Toé, Member of Parliament of Burkina Faso from 2015 to 2020. Economic analyst and holder of a master's degree in economics. He has held several important positions.
Honorable Jérémie Adomahou Panelist/ APNODE Chairperson, Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Benin, Cotonou Member of the National Assembly of Benin since 2015, Hon. Adomahou is a Rural Equipment Engineer, with a specialization in Road Engineering, and a expertise in Water and Sanitation. He held several important positions.
Honorable Elise Pokossy Doumbé Panelist/ Vice-Chairperson of APNODE, Member of the National Assembly of Cameroon, Yaoundé Hon. Elise POKOSSY DOUMBE is a Communication Advisor. She has held several positions of responsibility including Deputy Mayor of the Commune of Douala V, Cameroon.
Honorable Dr Zeinabou Adama Maiga Panelist/ Pediatrician, MP at the National Assembly of Niger, Niamey Hon. Dr. Zeinabou Adama Maiga is a pediatrician. She has been a member of Parliament in Niger since the third legislature in 2021. She firmly believes in the use of evidence to promote political and legislative functions.
Amos Menard Panelist / Member of the Executive Committee of APNODE, Deputy Coordinator of the CLEAR Regional Center for Francophone Africa, Dakar, Senegal Amos Menard is Deputy Coordinator at the CLEAR Regional Center for Francophone Africa where he contributes to strengthennational M&E systems and developing evaluation capacities in Francophone countries in Africa.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants Autre Crise humanitaire Pauvreté Justice sociale Systèmes nationaux de S&E Santé

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