Mapping community connections for impact at scale and Lessons from a year of school closures


À propos de l'événement

Pratham focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system. Established in 1995 to provide education to children in the slums of Mumbai, Pratham has grown both in scope and geographical coverage.

The Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Team (MME), established in 2013, has played an integral role in ensuring that Pratham, its partners in the community and the government have analytically and effectively acted upon using data generated from the large scale programs. The MME team has built and sustained a culture of data-backed decision-making within Pratham and its partners.

During unprecedented school closures in the past year, the team swiftly innovated its approach to collecting data remotely, thereby continuing to inform program strategy, content, and implementation decisions. Through the session we will showcase how building the connection between communities and measuring the impact of interventions has helped in the evolution of Pratham’s interventions. These sessions will cover the innovations in delivery methods and measurement frameworks for impact evaluation.


Événement en ligne
June 2, 2022 16:00 PM - 17:00 PM
When the pandemic put groundwork to a halt, Pratham started many remote initiatives to stay connected with the children, families, and communities. In this session, the speaker will share how a simple existing technology (phone) was used to engage the communities, the design of the evaluation, and the evaluation results.


Nom Titre Biography
Ruchi Chaudhary MME Program Manager Ruchi works as MME Program Manager in Pratham and ensures the implementation of data systems and processes in the field which helps Pratham in making evidence-based decisions. She also has 2 years of experience in assessment development.

Table ronde
June 2, 2022 17:00 PM - 18:00 PM
In the past decade, there has been an increasing focus on 21st Century Skills, especially life skills, communication skills, and digital literacy. With the nationwide school closure in March 2020, a growing need for life skills amongst adolescents was felt. Pratham adapted their life skills sessions as a remote module for the adolescents. In this session, the speaker will share their experience from the ground on delivering content through technology, in a low-touch, low-tech model.


Nom Titre Biography
Somya Rastogi MME Program Manager Somya works as an MME Program Manager with Pratham, supporting their upper primary, girls, and women programs with evidence-based decision making. Prior to joining Pratham's MME team, she has experience working with adolescents extensively in low-income Govt schools in Delhi.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Professionnels en S & E Éducation Pauvreté Les jeunes dans l’évaluation

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