Evaluating Policy Influence with Process Tracing

Brown Bag Lunch (BBL)

À propos de l'événement

Through its policy dialogue, convening activities, knowledge products and provision of expertise, the World Bank Group seeks to inform and shape the reform trajectories of its client countries. While this pathway to country outcomes is fundamental to the effectiveness of World Bank Group engagement, it is notoriously hard to unpack and evaluate. As a result, knowledge on what works, and what does not in policy influencing remains primarily tacit and experiential, making organizational learning on this topic difficult.

This BBL will demonstrate and discuss how process-tracing approaches can help bridge this knowledge gap. Several examples of evaluating the contribution of policy influence interventions among several international organizations and development partners will be presented. The strengths and limitations of the methodology will be discussed and evidence-based suggestions for better aligning policy influence goals with intervention design in different policy contexts will be shared.

Jos Vaessen, Methods Advisor, IEG

Derek John Beach, Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Estelle Rosine Raimondo, Senior Evaluation Officer, IEG


Nom Titre Biography
Derek Beach Professor A professor of Political Science, Derek currently has a four-year research grant aimed at developing process tracing methods, including for evaluation. He has also engaged in several large-scale policy evaluations using process tracing methods.
Estelle Raimondo Senior Evaluator Estelle leads evaluations and advises teams across IEG on methodological design and innovations. Her research has been published in several internationally peer-reviewed journals and manuscripts.
Jos Vaessen Evaluation Methods Adviser At IEG, Jos is responsible for coordinating and providing methodological support to evaluation teams as well as leading on evaluation capacity development activities inside and outside the World Bank. Jos has been author of several internationally peer-reviewed publications, including three books.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Professionnels en S & E

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