Transforming Evaluation Results into a Learning-centered Experience

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À propos de l'événement

This presentation, organized by UNNESSA (UN Network for Evaluators in Sub-Saharan Africa), focuses on transforming evaluation results into a Learning-centered experience using modular and layered approaches. The session will feature speakers from UNHCR and UNICEF who will showcase different approaches to developing learner-centered evaluation products. The presentation provides ideas on how to better target internal audiences such as senior management and program staff, as well as external audiences such as donors and beneficiaries. The aim of the session is to showcase practical and effective strategies for turning evaluation results into opportunities for learning and improvement, thinking on end-users, and providing participants with actionable insights that they can apply in their own evaluation work.


Nom Titre Biography
Malene Nielsen Senior Regional Evaluation Officer Malene Nielsen is a Senior Regional Evaluation Officer at UNHCR. With more than 18 years of experience from the UN (WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR), bilateral donors, INGOs and the university, Malene Molding Nielsen has substantial knowledge and hands-on experience with evaluation and research; strategic planning; organizational change processes; capacity development and performance management (RBM). Her experiences include development and humanitarian work in East Africa, Southeast- and Central Asia and Europe , in particular, technical assistance related to food security; school feeding; survival strategies; livelihoods; institutional dynamics; prison systems and poverty alleviation, protection and solutions of displaced populations.
Violeta Leiva Evaluation Specialist Violeta Leiva is an Evaluation Specialist at UNICEF. Violeta has advanced studies in Development and International Relations. She has several years of diversified experience working with the public and private sectors, as a consultant for international organizations. Excellent knowledge of policies, procedures, and instruments of United Nations and International Funds. She has directly managed a complex Environmental and Social portfolio of development projects for over 15 Million USD. Experienced in Partnership building, Resource Mobilization, Evaluation, and Project Management, Violeta is prepared to identify partner needs, design, monitor result-based programs, and perform analytical and evaluative tasks. Violeta has extensive experience working in Latin America & the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. Fluent in German, French, English, Portuguese, Modern Greek and Spanish.


Nom Titre Biography
Kevin Kathano KM and Evaluation Specialist UNNESSA

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Utilisateurs de l’évaluation Fonctionnaire / Employé de l’organisation internationale Évaluation adaptée à la culture Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme Réseaux d’évaluation S&E pour les publics non traditionnels Évaluation participative/communautaire/collaborative Les jeunes dans l’évaluation

Detailles de l'événement

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