Stories of Impact; Leveraging Qualitative Data to Uncover Impact

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À propos de l'événement

Many international development organizations rely on quantitative data to demonstrate their impact, reinforced by funder reporting structures. But qualitative research and storytelling can also uncover impacts on client lives by exploring causal mechanisms, capturing positive and negative unintended consequences, and even replacing original evaluation plans when projects change in unanticipated ways. iDE Ghana will share its recent experiences and lessons from experimenting with locally-led storytelling and the Most Significant Change method as a way to evaluate and adapt its programming.


Nom Titre Biography
Alhassan Hilda Wunniche Head of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL), iDE Ghana Alhassan Hilda Wunniche is the Head of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, & Learning (MERL) of iDE Ghana, leading a team of experts to provide quality data for organisational impactful decision making in the Northern part of Ghana.
Mustapha Sherifatu Gender Equity, Social Inclusion, and Design Coordinator (GESI & Design), iDE Ghana Mustapha Sherifatu is the Gender Equity, Social Inclusion, and Design Coordinator of iDE Ghana, responsible for designing inclusive approaches to projects and housed under the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, & Learning (MERL) department.

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Utilisateurs de l’évaluation Fonctionnaire / Employé de l’organisation internationale Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme Évaluation tenant compte des sexospécificités S&E pour les publics non traditionnels

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