How Evaluations contribute to addressing the greater societal issues: Evaluation of the CGIAR GENDER Platform.

Table ronde | Hybride

À propos de l'événement

This event will showcase the recent evaluation of the CGIAR GENDER Platform, a Platform which synthesizes research and sets directions to enable CGIAR to have impact on gender equality, opportunities for youth and social inclusion in agriculture and food systems. The Platform’s evaluation readiness was determined by an evaluability assessment following the CGIAR evaluability assessment guidelines. This session will explore the findings and insights from the evaluation, including the reflective, empowering, collaborative processes deployed in the evaluation to address gender and power relations and how these are influencing the uptake of the evaluation.


Nom Titre Biography
Svetlana Negroustoueva Evaluation Function Lead, IAES Svetlana Negroustoueva Leads Evaluation Function under CGIAR’s Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). She is a PMP Certified professional with over 20 years of experience designing and conducting evaluations, assessments, monitoring and research activities, and quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses. She has worked on M&E activities at the intersection of sustainable landscapes, energy, health, food security, gender and social inclusion, for projects across a range of funders and implementing entities. Prior to joining CGIAR in 2020, Svetlana has served at African Development Bank, World Bank, the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and Climate Investment Funds (CIF) in positions concerned with demand-driven and independent evaluations. She was an independent evaluator herself, for a variety of clients during consultancy assignments. Svetlana’s passion and expertise is in the domain of gender and evaluation; she is the co-chair of EvalGender+, the global partnership to promote the demand, supply and use of Equity Focused and Gender Responsive Evaluations. Svetlana is a Russian and US national, and holds a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin in the US, and Advanced BA in Public Administration and Social Research from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia.
Sonal Zaveri Evaluation Reference Group Member, IAES Sonal Zaveri has over 30 years’ experience in strategic planning, program design, capacity building, mentoring, and evaluation. She has a Ph.D. in Social Work and was a Fleishman Fellow at Duke University, USA. She has worked in more than 25 countries in Asia, Asia-Pacific, and Central Asia, East and West Africa, Middle East, and Eastern Europe at grassroots, sub-national, national, regional, and international levels bringing a broad contextual experience. She holds regional and global leadership positions - founder and board member of Community of Evaluators South Asia; coordinator of the Gender & Equity Network South Asia (GENSA); co-chair EvalGender+, member of the EvalPartners Coordination Committee, board member of the International Evaluation Academy (IEAc), and a core member of the South-to-South Evaluation (S2SE), which addresses asymmetries in global evaluation. Sonal’s interests relate to how rights, participation, transformation, and gender are addressed through collaborative, culturally responsive, and learning-oriented evaluation approaches, and methodologies.
Donna Podems Evaluation Team Leader, CGIAR GENDER Platform Evaluation Professor Podems is a researcher and evaluator with more than 23 years’ experience. She holds a doctorate in interdisciplinary studies focused on Program Evaluation and Organizational Development. She is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University where she teaches Research Theory and Stellenbosch University where she sits in the Center for Research and Science Technology. Her research focuses mainly on gender and feminist poverty interventions which often links to researching programs situated in the environment, agriculture, and education sectors. Her scientific research has resulted in publishing multiple papers, books chapters, books and journal articles. Further, Dr. Podems serves on the editorial board of the American Journal of Evaluation. She is a former National Board Member for the American Evaluation Association (AEA), the National Board Member for the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA), and currently serves on an international evaluation Board and the International Evaluation Academy. Dr. Podems has worked with multiple organizations, such as various UN organizations, SIDA, DFID, USAID, the World Bank, the Gates Foundation, and the CGIAR. For example, for the CGIAR in 2020, Dr Podems served as the evaluation team lead to assess to what extent WHEAT (1) delivered quality of science, and (2) demonstrated effectiveness in relation to its own Theories of Change (ToC). Some of her relevant feminist and gender focused field work in the last few years includes reviewing the World Bank Gender Policy, serving as the Senior MEL Advisor for the Urgent African Fund, serving as the methodology advisor for the Global Affairs Canada for their global feminist evaluation, and she is currently evaluating a global program that examines the global backlash against the feminist movement.
Samriti Maharjan Evaluation Analyst, CGIAR GENDER Platform Evaluation Samriti is working as Evaluation Analyst with IAES. She has 4 years of experience working on Gender Equality, Research and Evaluation. She worked as Junior Consultant to support the “Real-Time Evaluation of Gender Integration in the UNICEF COVID-19 Response in South Asia”. She has supported conducting quantitative and qualitative research and drafting evaluation reports. Further, she has gained knowledge on Gender Equality, Women Empowerment and Social Inclusion while doing Internships in UNICEF South Asia and UN Women Nepal. Further, she has Master’s degree in International Cooperation and Development from Nepal. She has also won Cooperating and Development Network Grant 2021/2022 to conduct her Master’s thesis in “Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers in Kathmandu Based Hospital”.


Nom Titre Biography
Erdoo Karen Jay-Yina Senior Evaluation Officer, IAES Erdoo has worked with IAES for about two years as a senior evaluation officer. She has over a decade's experience with M&E, research, knowledge management - translating evaluative evidence into action for multi-sectoral programming including food and agriculture, policy and advocacy, climate change, health systems among others. She has served with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in the private sector-led development space, the academia and research centres, using quantitative and qualitative approaches to inform the evidence-based strategy of action for adapting development programmes. Before joining IAES, she worked as an Action Researcher with the International Fertilizer Development Centre, as a part of the Partnership Resource Centre team and in the private sector. An alumnus of the United Nations Executive Leadership Program in Evaluation and Sustainable Development Goals, she has developed expertise in mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She has an M.Sc in Public Health and holds an MBA.

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs VOPE / Réseaux d’évaluation Universitaires Évaluation adaptée à la culture Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme Évaluation tenant compte des sexospécificités Coopération internationale Évaluation participative/communautaire/collaborative Les jeunes dans l’évaluation

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