Innovative M&E Approaches and Methods: Measuring safety and security in South Sudan

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À propos de l'événement

The event will be online panel discussion and open to participants from organizations operating in South Sudan and other countries with an aim of sharing experiences and best practices in M&E in emergency contexts.


Nom Titre Biography
Grace Patience Makhalira Deputy Head of MEAL, WFP South Sudan Grace Makhalira is currently the deputy head of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning at WFP South Sudan Country Office, responsible for evidence generation for accountability, learning and adaptive programming. Before Joining WFP South Sudan, she served as the Head of WFP Malawi monitoring and Evaluation team, led the Total Land Care (Local NGO in Malawi) and temporary diplomatic missions to WFP Head Quarters in Rime, Italy. She has more than 15 years’ experience in project Monitoring and Evaluation with education background in social and biostatistics, monitoring and evaluation
Pauline Ellof Conflict And Food Security Analyst, WFP South Sudan Pauline Eloff has been working as a Conflict and Food Security Analyst in WFP in South Sudan since 2020, before which she was working as a Judicial Affairs Officer for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) since 2017. Before coming to South Sudan, her career focused on international and transitional justice in (post-)conflict settings in northern Uganda, Rwanda, and Myanmar.
Abraham Diing Akoi Programme Manager, Bridge Network Abraham Diing is a program manager at Bridge Network South Sudan. Currently managing WFP’s Measuring safety and security project for Greater Tonj. Before Bridge Network South Sudan, Abraham worked as an overseas research consultant in South Sudan for The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): including on the British Academy-funded grant on hunger courts, the AHRC-funded Safety of Strangers project, the ESRC-funded Centre for Public Authority & International Development (CPAID), the FCDO-funded Conflict Research Programme (CRP) and the AHRC-funded Politics of Return Project. Also, worked as Coordinator in Bor for British Council among other various humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and as a researcher with international scholars.


Nom Titre Biography
Nikki Zimmerman Regionla Evaluation Officer Nikki Zimmerman is the Regional Evaluation Officer with the World Food Programme overseeing and supporting evaluations across the Eastern Africa region. For almost 15 years Nikki has worked to strengthen program quality and learning through monitoring, evaluation, and project management. She has worked across a wide variety of sectors, including food security, public health, education, economic development, and others in both development and humanitarian contexts across East Africa and other regions, including: Middle East, Latin American & the Caribbean, and Southern Africa. Immediately prior to joining WFP, she advised and supported USAID to strengthen their monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems in Jordan and Mozambique. In all her work, she has a keen interest in bringing data and evidence to life, and ensuring data and learning is utilized to improve program design and implementation.

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