Learnings from a successful intra-organizational partnership between M&E and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) teams

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À propos de l'événement

Measurement, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) teams rely on strong partnerships across teams to ensure a shared commitment to evidence-based, ethical approaches to international development. Similarly, gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) managers are tasked with integration of GESI into organizational processes and practices around measurement, in addition to integration into project lifecycles. This requires a heavy commitment to relationship building across the organization and a reliance on collaborative approaches to fulfilling and funding new initiatives in the M&E space.

Join iDE in a session which explores the better practices unearthed through a strong collaboration between MERL and GESI teams and the key ingredients that helped create and sustain that partnership. The session will touch on the collaborative approach taken to fulfilling GESI policy commitments to engage in participatory evaluation, begin the collection of disaggregated data for age, ethnicity, gender and disability status across projects in ten countries and increase efficacy and approaches to research ethics and do no harm. It will touch on new needs discovered in the process, for example, and investment in learning at the organizational level. A particular focus will be placed on the integration of decolonizing efforts around policy implementation through inclusive working groups with representation across project and country teams.


Nom Titre Biography
Jennifer Roglà Global Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Jennifer Roglà, Ph.D., is the Global Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning and leads iDE globally to ensure our rigorous measurement efforts are also inclusive, participatory, and ethical across our market systems work in sectors like agriculture, climate resilience, and WASH.
Lauren Riley Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Director Lauren Riley, Ph.D., is the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Director for iDE Global and works collaboratively across the organization to ensure GESI principles are integrated into organizational operations as well as programmatic work.

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Décideurs Fonctionnaire / Employé de l’organisation internationale Évaluation adaptée à la culture Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme Évaluation tenant compte des sexospécificités

Detailles de l'événement

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