My Evaluation is Over, Now What? Storytelling Tips for Fostering Post-Eval Action

Manifestation | En ligne

À propos de l'événement

Too often, the ink dries on complex analyses and thoughtful recommendations, and little may come next other than a standard report review and oral presentations to donors or commissioners. With so many competing priorities for stakeholders’ time, attention, and budgets, failing to effectively bring life and meaning to evaluative findings and recommendations may not get you the buy-in and support you and your team may seek. So, what is the remedy to crafting narratives that get the buy-in for action and obtain greater returns from investments in conducting the evaluations in the first place? Small tweaks and targeted strategies may go a long way. This demonstration will provide an in-depth exploration of concrete steps evaluators, donors, and other stakeholders can take to bolster the immediate and long-term value of evaluations. With storytelling fundamentals and best practices woven throughout, topics will range from the tactical to strategic. Tactical examples may include how to design skimmable and effective evaluation reports and summaries that convey meaning and highlight key actions to consider. Strategic examples include working with stakeholders to co-create or refine the most critical recommendations to build buy-in before the report is delivered, design implementation roadmaps for recommendations, prompt dialogue on strategies for embedding organizational learning post-evaluation, and identify opportunities for communicating early “success stories” that move people in a way facts and figures alone may not. Audience members will be invited to share personal challenges and successes and raise questions to presenters.


Nom Titre Biography
Kelly Zimmerman Senior Consultant Kelly is a Senior Consultant with Guidehouse, where she leads and contributes to evaluations, and provides clients with a range of M&E and program design support.
Lindsay Scanlon Associate Director Lindsay is an Associate Director with Guidehouse, where she leads engagements that support clients across the fields of human capital, change management, and process improvement.

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Commissaires à l’évaluation Décideurs Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme

Detailles de l'événement

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