The Science behind Data Collection: How to collect data considering the Culture, Context and Existing partnerships.

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À propos de l'événement

This webinar will discuss how to design data collection efforts through five considerations: the budget, respondents and accessibility, the kind of data being collected, challenges to data collection and how the data will be used. The webinar will discuss these considerations as well as specific data collection tools such as Kobo Toolbox, Tangerine, and Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview (CATI). The presentations will outline how these tools are important for the practice and institutionalization of M&E: Culture, Context and Collaboration.


Nom Titre Biography
Margaret Roper Director of Education and Development Division Ms Margaret Roper joined Khulisa in 2017 as a senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist. She currently serves a role of the Education and Development Division Director. Margaret has extensive experience in programme development, monitoring, evaluation and knowledge sharing in social policy and practice, social justice, social protection, child protection, school and community health and safety, educational development, and behaviour change. Since 1993, Margaret has worked in the non-profit, government, donor and business sectors in Southern Africa. She has held positions in the Secretariat for Safety and Security, the South African Police Service, Health and Development Africa, Mott MacDonald, Inkanyezi Initiative and consulted for a range of organisations including Oxfam Australia, UNICEF and government departments such as Basic Education, Social Development, Correctional Services and Gauteng Department of Community Safety. Ms Roper has a master's in social research from the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), and is currently doing her PhD in Research, Evaluation and Enhancement in education at Lancaster University (United Kingdom).
Tamar Boddé-Kekana Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Specialist Tamar Boddé-Kekana is a Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Specialist at Khulisa Management Services with more than 13 years of experience in quantitative and qualitative research methodology, data analysis, monitoring and evaluation and quality assurance. Ms. Boddé-Kekana has experience in programme development, research development and performance monitoring. Her sectoral experience includes education, career guidance and skills development, hybrid learning technology and development, child and youth development, peer-to-peer mentoring, community engagement, youth mobilization, social entrepreneurship, and cross-cultural learning and engagements. Ms Boddé-Kekana has an MPhil in Sociology, with a focus on monitoring and evaluation in the education sector (graduated Cum Laude).
Thembi Mahlangu Stakeholder Manager Ms. Thembi Mahlangu is the stakeholder manager at Khulisa Management Services. Ms Mahlangu has 13 years of working experience in providing technical support to project activities and deliverables, contract negotiations with service providers (scope of work), training and facilitation of workshops, staff management (supervision), projects conceptualization and management (development of detailed work plans and implementation plans), financial management including development of the activity-based budget, monitoring project activity spend and processing invoices for payment, and stakeholder management. Ms Mahlangu has excellent computer skills. She is currently completing her Master's in Public Health and has an Honours Degree in Developmental Studies.
Sithabile Ntaka Data Analyst and M&E Associate Sithabile Ntaka is a statistician with six years research experience and data processing, two of which were managing research projects. Ms. Ntaka has experience in sampling and calculating confidence intervals in research design. She also has experience in data analysis to execute successful business solutions and reporting and is familiar with statistical software, including SPSS and STATA, and programming languages SAS and R. Ms. Ntaka has her Honours degree in Applied Mathematics.


Nom Titre Biography
Jesse Webb Monitoring and Evaluation Associate Ms. Jesse Webb is a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Associate at Khulisa Management Services. Ms. Webb has 11 years’ experience in project management, desktop review/research, tool design, data collection (including interviews), qualitative and quantitative data analysis, report writing and project coordination. Ms. Webb’s other skills include policy analysis, program/ policy landscaping, proposal writing, public speaking, and curriculum design. Ms. Webb completed her Master's in international relations in Geneva (graduated Summa cum laude).

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs VOPE / Réseaux d’évaluation Universitaires Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme

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