The AGDEN Reboot: Evaluation as Empowerment for Development

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À propos de l'événement

The purpose of this event is to showcase the visionary and futuristic approach of AGDEN (African Gender and Development Evaluators Network) and its practice of evaluation as a process of empowerment. Through this event, AGDEN seeks to demonstrate how the new generation of AGDEN is thriving to put empowerment in Evaluation as core a tool for transformative change and capacity building in the African context.
Overall, the cocreation, collaboration and dynamics the new board is bringing to the ultimate role and mission of AGDEN on the continent, this event promises to be an informative and insightful experience for AGDEN members, evaluators, and development practitioners interested in promoting gender equality and sustainable development in Africa.


Nom Titre Biography
Lydiane Josepha Jobin Mbia Evaluation & Research Consultant Lydiane Josepha Mbia Nguelle Epse Jobin is a Young and Emerging Evaluator and Independent Evaluator. Lydiane holds a master’s in public administration from London University of Roehampton, Certificate in Development Evaluation from ENAP Quebec-Canada, BSc in Social Sciences specialization Corporate Communication from University of Yaounde II Cameroon. Prior to this, she is an independent Learning, Evaluation & Applied Research Consultant with a current focus on diversity, equity, and social inclusion through the landmarks of advocating evaluative evidence for improved decision-making and better development results on achieving SDGs. Lydiane has supported country programme evaluation, programme and projects with UNICEF Nigeria and Pakistan and New York Board of Elections. She has been supporting developing countries to achieve the simultaneous eradication of poverty and significant reduction of inequality and exclusion. For more than five years, she has been working in the field of research and evaluation in Africa, North America and South Asia, focusing on education, health, WASH, Child Protection, Youths’ interventions, and capacity building. While examining the opportunities and challenges of integrating information technologies for data visualization into evaluation of development program. Lastly, she is the Board Francophone secretary at AGDEN and indeed, Lydiane has great interest in international development along with governance pathways to increase institutional performance.
Mark Mulobi MEL Consultant for Digital Alliance (DIAL) of the United Nations Foundations (UNF) Mark Mulobi is a Young and Emerging Evaluator (YEE) based in Kenya. He is the current Co-chair of both AfrEA YEE Network and EVAL Youth Global Network. Mark is a MEL Consultant for Digital Alliance (DIAL) of the United Nations Foundations (UNF). He is also a Board Member and Anglophone YEE representative on the AfREA Board. Lastly, he is the Board representative at AGDEN for East Africa region. Mark is a strong advocate and champion for YEEs in Africa.
Jackson Mutavih Independent M&E Consultant Jackson is a member of two mutual professional associations, the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) and the Africa Gender and Development Evaluators Network (AGDEN). Currently serves as the Anglophone Secretary for AGDEN, a member of AfrEA and IDEAS, Jackson has demonstrated commitment to advancing culturally responsive and gender transformative evaluation practice in general and specifically in Kenya through a 2019/2020 project with Parliamentarians to provide inputs into the National M& E Policy shows his contribution to strengthening national evaluation capacity. Jackson, has worked in a Senior M&E position for at least 14 years, especially in health, child protection, nutrition, environmental health, economic recovery & development, education and women’s empowerment.
Dr. Isatou Touarey Executive Director Her Excellency, Dr Isatou Touray until recently was the Vice President of the Republic of the Gambia. She was part of the grand Coalition that removed the authoritarian regime for 22 years in the Gambia and restored a democratic dispensation. Before her appointment as VP, she served as Minister of Trade, Regional Integration, Industry and Employment and as Minister of Health and Social Welfare. Before her current political engagements Dr Touray Co-founded a feminist organization, The Gambia Committee on Traditional Affecting the Health of Women and Children (GAMCOTRAP). She has supported and empowered many grassroots groups to organize and contribute to national development of the Gambia which earned her great respect and recognition across the country. She is well known for her decades-long efforts on grassroots activism towards women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHRs). Currently, Dr Touray is mentoring young women who have various aspirations in the field of entrepreneurship and business by encouraging them to engage and make a mark. She is also impacting on the institutions that shape those policies that create structural imbalances which makes it difficult for women to reach out and fulfill their dreams. She is currently co-chair member of the African Women Leadership Network (AWLN). She holds a PhD in Development Studies, with emphasis on gender and development, from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. A Master’s Degree in Development Studies with specialization in Women and Development, at the Institute of Social Studies in Netherland, The Hague and a B. A Honours Degree in Education and specialization in English at the Usmanu Dan Fodio University, Sokoto Nigeria.


Nom Titre Biography
Debbie Kaddu-Serwadda Africa Director, Women Welbeing, Initiative, School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Deborah is an African Feminist civil society leader with 15 years’ experience as a Utilization-Focused Evaluator & Evaluation Mentor who promotes the role of Evaluation Science in advancing women’s rights, gender equality, equity, enterprise, organizational effectiveness, inclusive development, and transformative leadership. She applies Gender Responsive Evaluation (GRE), Feminist Evaluation (FE), Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE) and Strengths-Focused Evaluation principles to Theory Driven Program Evaluation, Developmental Evaluation and Empowerment Evaluation practice across disciplines in the non-profit, public, and private sectors in Africa and the USA. Deborah’s major is a Master of Science (MS) in Evaluation & Applied Research (Claremont Graduate University, CA, USA), Master of Education (Career Guidance & Counselling Psychology) from Makerere University, Uganda and Evaluation Specialization Certificates in Gender Responsive Evaluation (AGDEN), Survey Research Methods, Culturally Responsive Evaluation, Utilization Focused Evaluation (U-FE), Tech Tools in a (post) COVID Context for Evaluation in a Digital World from The Evaluators Institute (TEI) and the Claremont Evaluation Center (CEC), USA.

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Société civile Jeunesse Réseaux d’évaluation Évaluation tenant compte des sexospécificités

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