Reflecting on transformational interventions: The role of theories of change

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À propos de l'événement

What is theory of change in evaluation? Is a theory of change just a diagram or can it be a broader process? How can theory of change support robust reflection on transformational interventions? If you are interested in exploring the answers to these questions, are thinking about trying a participatory theory of change process and/or are wondering if theory of change can potentially help you in your evaluation of a more complex programme then this session is for you.

This session will:
1) Give participants a brief overview of what theory of change is in the field of evaluation
2) Explore theory of change as a process and as a product, and
3) Discuss some of the opportunities and challenges of using a theory of change process to support robust reflection on complex/transformational interventions


Nom Titre Biography
Sarah Goodier Sarah Goodier is a Lecturer in M&E at CREST. In this role, Sarah supports M&E PGDip and MPhil students through various teaching activities. She is also part of the team supporting M&E of the national University Capacity Development Programme. Sarah holds an MPhil in Programme Evaluation.

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Autre Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme

Detailles de l'événement

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