Measuring Change in Life skill Levels: Magic Bus India Foundation’s Experiences of Developing Tools and Evolving a Comprehensive M&E system

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À propos de l'événement

In the gLOCAL presentation, MBIF will share its insights on what life skills’ assessments should measure and why; how growth in life skills can be measured over time, the process followed to build and validate such assessment tools and key parameters to keep in mind during this exercise to ensure optimum and sustainable utility of life skills’ programs for state SCERTs. We will provide a deep dive into each of these stages: (a) rubric development, (b) tool development, (c) tool validation. In addition to this, we shall share how measuring life skills fits in a large-scale M&E system.


Nom Titre Biography
Santosh Kumar Sharma Director Impact Santosh has close to three decades of experience in monitoring & evaluation, planning, research, MIS development and management, knowledge management and strategy development. Currently he is working as Director-Impact with Magic Bus India Foundation (MBIF). Prior to joining MBIF, , he worked for organizations such as CARE India, Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), PACS, ChildFund India, Change Alliance and Christian Aid India. Santosh has not only led the M&E and research functions at the country level, but also supported other Asian countries while working with different organizations. Santosh has in-depth experience in health, water & sanitation, nutrition, gender, education and life skill related research. He has conducted complex evaluations in India and abroad. Santosh has attended a range of national and international courses in research and analysis and presented research papers in national and international conferences. Santosh has highly skilled developing large-scale M&E systems and technology-based platforms. In most his roles, he has led large team of M&E professionals.
Vrinda Loiwal Life Skill Measurement Expert Vrinda has been in the field of education for 12 years. She is an alumnus of Harvard University and her specialization is in crafting emotional intelligence and life skills' curricula, assessments and teacher training.


Nom Titre Biography
Santosh Kumar Sharma Director Impact Santosh has close to three decades of experience in monitoring & evaluation, planning, research, MIS development and management, knowledge management and strategy development. Currently he is working as Director-Impact with Magic Bus India Foundation (MBIF). Prior to joining MBIF, , he worked for organizations such as CARE India, Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), PACS, ChildFund India, Change Alliance and Christian Aid India. Santosh has not only led the M&E and research functions at the country level, but also supported other Asian countries while working with different organizations. Santosh has in-depth experience in health, water & sanitation, nutrition, gender, education and life skill related research. He has conducted complex evaluations in India and abroad. Santosh has attended a range of national and international courses in research and analysis and presented research papers in national and international conferences. Santosh has highly skilled developing large-scale M&E systems and technology-based platforms. In most his roles, he has led large team of M&E professionals.

Sujets et thèmes

Commissaires à l’évaluation Utilisateurs de l’évaluation Décideurs Universitaires Société civile Étudiants Éducation Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme S&E pour les publics non traditionnels Les jeunes dans l’évaluation

Detailles de l'événement

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