À propos de l'événement

Geographic information system (GIS) is used for solving various societal problems, as a tool for decision making, automation, map creation and communication. However, currently, project/program monitoring and evaluation practices does not use GIS and Participatory Geographic information system (PGIS) techniques effectively. There is a need to embrace emerging approaches and methods in monitoring and evaluation. GIS could be used in our society as platforms for doing many core functions in monitoring and evaluation. Participatory GIS(PGIS) is an evolving technique which is very potential in monitoring and evaluation because of its inclusion and involvement of stakeholders and its capability to provide first hand spatial-temporal information regarding program/project implementation status, effectiveness and sustainability. The use of PGIS in monitoring and evaluation activities is intended to support informed decisions for sustainable programs and projects and provide insights on how evaluation can contribute to transformational change. PGIS in monitoring and evaluation improves the efficiency and communications of the program/project outcomes to decision makers and beneficiaries. The aim of the upcoming workshop is to provide some understandings and develop capacity on PGIS evaluation and monitoring technique.
The PGIS workshop will consist of lectures, discussions and hands on practical’s. Also how partnerships between evaluators and policymakers can facilitate meaningful collaboration to inform policy solutions and drive transformational change.


Nom Titre Biography
Dr. Dorothea Deus Head of Department and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geospatial Sciences and Technology (DGST), School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business and Informatics (SERBI) at Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania She head the Dept and Snr Lecturer in the Dept of Geospatial Sciences & Technology (DGST), School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business & Informatics (SERBI) at Ardhi University. She holds a PhD in Remote Sensing and Environmental Geoscience- Freiberg University of Mining & Technology, Germany.
Ms. Sakina B. Mwinyimkuu b) Director of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Prime Minister’s Office – Policy, Parliament and Coordination Sakina is Performance Management expert specialized & passionate in Development Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) with 18 years of serving in the Public Service of Tanzania. Currently she continues with the assessment of Supply Side of Tanzania M&E System in the view of a Political Economy Analysis

Sujets et thèmes

Fonctionnaire / Employé de l’organisation internationale Évaluation participative/communautaire/collaborative

Detailles de l'événement

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