Advancing transformational change through building local individual capacities

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À propos de l'événement

The world is facing multiple crises that pose a threat to the sustainability of current and future generations. The role and purpose of M&E systems is forever changing and needs to adapt in advancing transformational change that integrating social and environmental justice. Capacity strengthening plays a huge role in building local capacity to supply and demand evaluation evidence towards sustaining M&E systems. The role of capacity strengthening initiatives especially at strengthening individual capacities not only to perform M&E activities optimally, but to also contribute and advocate for the advancement of social and environmental change is seemingly becoming imperative. The sessions aims to gather stakeholders involved in building individual capacities through initiatives such as training, mentorship, coaching etc. in formulating strategies on how capacity strengthening initiatives at an individual level could embed transformational change.
This session aims to explore how work in building individual capacities can embed transformational change in advancing social and environmental justice


Nom Titre Biography
To be determined

Sujets et thèmes

Évaluateurs Commissaires à l’évaluation Utilisateurs de l’évaluation Décideurs VOPE / Réseaux d’évaluation Universitaires Société civile Évaluation et Changement Transformationnel : Équilibrer Ambition et Réalisme

Detailles de l'événement

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