Building bodies of impact evaluation evidence


À propos de l'événement

This virtual roundtable will examine how to build global bodies of impact evaluation evidence, while still respecting the context-specific understanding of development. The roundtable explores methods to identify the impact of programmes on key outcomes locally, while enabling a global agency to identify broader lessons on the relationship between their interventions and SDG2. It contributes to a wider discussion on methodologies for coordinating multiple rigorous impact evaluations to build bodies of evidence that inform programming and policy both at the organizational and global level.

Expected results:
- Stronger awareness of the challenges associated with moving from local and country-specific evidence towards a global evidence base;
- Learning on the latest innovations in evaluation methodologies and approaches to coordinating portfolios of rigorous impact evaluation;


Nom Titre Biography
Jonas Leo Heirman Evaluation Officer Jonas Heirman leads WFP’s impact evaluation activities. He is responsible for developing and implementing WFP’s new impact evaluation strategy and managing a team that delivers impact evaluation.
Macartan Humphreys Director of the research unit Institutions and Political Inequality Macartan Humphreys is director of the research unit Institutions and Political Inequality at WZB and a professor of Political Science at Columbia University. His research combines experimental approaches, survey and formal theory to study the political economy of development, governance and conflict
Sven Harten Head of Competence Centre for Evaluation Methodology Deputy Director of DEval, Sven Harten has more than 20 years experience in design and implementation of evaluations in development cooperation, working in different roles on impact evaluations, including as researcher, technical advisor, commissioner and in operations subject to an evaluation
Florence Kondylis Research manager Florence Kondylis founded and leads the WB impact evaluation program in Agricultural Adaptations. She received a magistere in economics from the Paris School of Economics, a PhD in economics from the University of London, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Earth Institute at Columbia University.
Rebecca Holmes Research Associate Rebecca Holmes specialises in social protection, gender and livelihoods. Focusing on south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, she has led research on gender and social protection effectiveness, women’s economic empowerment and leadership, and the effects of social protection on social inclusion/cohesion
Hanna Paulose Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (Impact Evaluation) Coordinating WFP impact evaluations on resilience, Hanna is working to develop a resilience measurement framework for the Climate and Resilience Window. Hanna completed her PhD from the Ohio State University and worked with UN-Women as a climate and biodiversity specialist before joining WFP.
Kristen McCollum Evaluation Analyst (Impact Evaluation) Kristen coordinates the Cash-based transfers and Gender Window in WFP's impact evaluation portfolio. Kristen received an MSc in Impact Evaluation for International Development at the University of East Anglia. Prior to WFP, she conducted research with 3ie, Oxfam GB and IFAD.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants

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