'Localizing SDGs: What grassroots communities can teach us'

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À propos de l'événement

SAHAJ is a National Implementing Partner (NIP) for Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030- a global partnership to monitor the progress of several countries on a range of Gender Indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals) in India. EM2030 has developed a SDGs Gender Index for 129 countries across 5 regions of the world. As the NIP, since 2017 SAHAJ is engaging nationally and in three Indian states to monitor Gender Indicators based on the EM2030 framework and the National Indicator Framework.
At the national level, SAHAJ has been engaging with UN Women, feminist budget groups, as well as health rights campaigns, to critique gender indicators of the National Indicator Framework.
SAHAJ with its coalition partner Peoples’ Health Movement and CommonHealth (for reproductive health and safe abortion) identified limited SDG monitoring knowledge of state government officers and with civil society formations.
Currently, SAHAJ has initiated one of the first attempts to decentralize the adaptation and use of gender indicators of SDGs at the local level, contributing to a bottom up evidence building for the national level SDG reviews.
As part of the gLocal Evaluation Week, SAHAJ will conduct a webinar to share:
a. the EM2030 SDG Gender Index and a Fact Sheet for India based on the Gender Index
b. lessons from the strategies and methodologies to mobilize civil society organisations for localising SDGs
c. the training manual for civil society organizations and local government to contextualize and develop SDG Gender indicators and Index along with a comprehensive M&E framework.
The deliverables are
a) Lessons learned document regarding the development of the localized SDG Gender Index
b) Training manual on how to develop and use a SDG Gender Index. This manual will be used widely within South Asia, with potentially a wider audience in South East Asia (through the partners of Equal Measures 2030)
c) A communication brief on the SDG Gender Index and
d) Sharing through a Webinar at the gLocal event.


Nom Titre Biography
Renu Khanna Ms. A feminist women’s health and rights activist, MBA from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University. Cofounder of SAHAJ. Working over four decades as a trainer, action researcher, evaluator and policy analyst. Governing board and steering committee member of national- international organisations
Nilangi Sardeshpande Dr. An Ayurvedic Doctor by education. Holds a Masters degree in Health Sciences from University of Pune and a PhD from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. Her area of work includes women's health, nutrition and health systems research.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants

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