M&E in Government: Partnerships in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment

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À propos de l'événement

The fragmented nature of the M&E ecosystem in India poses a key challenge for standardization and improvement in quality and quantity of evaluations of government schemes and programmes. DMEO has sought to leverage its capacity constraints by adopting an approach of partnering with international development organizations, academic institutions and data technology companies in the public sector space, to grow into its role as the apex M&E institution of Government of India. This session will outline DMEO’s current approach and bring forward perspectives from a leading international organization and a premier knowledge institution, to understand incentives of various partners and challenges faced with a view to arrive at a systemic approach to create win-win partnerships in monitoring and evaluation.


Nom Titre Biography
Dr. Sekhar Bonu DG Dr. Sekhar Bonu has worked in Indian Administrative Service for close to 12 years in development administration and in Asian Development Bank for nearly 15 years before taking up the current assignment in Government of India.
Ashwini Chhatre Executive Director, Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Chair - Institutional Review Board Ashwini Chhatre is an Associate Professor of Public Policy at the ISB. As the Academic Director of the Bharti Institute, Prof. Chhatre is responsible for identifying research priorities and setting the overall direction of the institute.
Maaike Bijker Research and evaluation Specialist Maaike Bijker is a Research and Evaluation Specialist at UNICEF India
Shagun Sabarwal Director - Policy, Training and Communications Dr. Shagun Sabarwal is Director of the CLEAR South Asia Centre, and Director of Policy, Training and Communications at J-PAL South Asia. Shagun provides strategic oversight and leads the capacity building portfolio under CLEAR South Asia where she works on strengthening M&E capacity in the region.
Alok Mishra Director Alok is a civil servant with over 20 years of experience in the field of higher education, industry-academia collaboration, international cooperation, capacity building for senior civil servants, media and development communication.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants

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