How to Conduct Digital MERL in the time of Covid-19

Événement en ligne

À propos de l'événement

CLEAR-AA and MERL-tech's “Digital MERL in the time of Covid-19” aim to address broader themes of MERL and technology through the lens of the current COVID-19 situation. The conversation takes place between CLEAR-AA''s partner and friends. We will host an hour and a half virtual events on three different themes, including breakaway virtual "rooms" for further interrogation on the key points from the theme discussions. Cases and learning from this event would be written up to feed into a broader future assessment of capacity, systems, and training needs for better use of administration data for evaluation.


Événement en ligne
June 2, 2020 13:00 PM - 14:30 PM
This event will address issues of responsible data collection, use, and management in a crisis such as Ebola or COVID-19.


Nom Titre Biography
Mr Korstiaan Wapenaar Senior Associate
Ms Jerusha Govender Founder and Director
Ms Teki Akuetteh Falconer Founder and Executive Director

Événement en ligne
June 3, 2020 13:00 PM - 14:30 PM
This session will focus on how remote monitoring can be done during the pandemic and how it might continue to be a useful approach post-COVID-19.


Nom Titre Biography
Mr Ignacio Del Busto Senior Manager
Mr Ayanda Mtanyana Head of Advisory Services

Événement en ligne
June 4, 2020 13:00 PM - 14:30 PM
This third session will focus on ways to use Administrative Data for M&E, including how this type of data could support with COVID response and other national or global pandemics or crises that may occur in future.


Nom Titre Biography
Dr Kwabena Boakye Acting Chief Director
Dr Bosco Okumu Senior Economist
Dr Stephen Taylor Economist and Education Researcher
Ms Andrea Fletcher Lead Data Strategist

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants

Detailles de l'événement

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