M&E of complex humanitarian and development interventions, in the contexts of a changing world


À propos de l'événement

An online workshop using interactive and engaging presentations and discussions on M&E of complex humanitarian and development interventions in the context of a changing world. The nature of global, national and local crises such as floods, cylones, conflicts and lately healthy emergencies calls for M&E professionals to adjust their tools of trade and approaches if M&E is to make a contribution to achievement of SDGs in the changing world. Participants will interrogate M&E approaches and their ability to adapt to complex dynamics situations, with specific case studies and examples from food and nutrition security, water and education sectors. The discussions will also incorporate gender and diversity considerations. The aim of the discussions will be to share experiences in Monitoring and evaluating interventions in times of crises and draw best practices that may be adopted.


Nom Titre Biography
Ms Matodzi Amisi M&E Specialist Matodzi is a research associate at the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR-AA) working to support African governments in establishing and strengthening evaluation systems.
Ms Grace Igweta Regional Evaluation Officer Grace is a Monitoring and Evaluation practitioner with WFP South Africa (2017 to date). In her current role as the WFP Regional Evaluation Officer, she is supporting WFP country offices across the Southern Africa Region in commissioning, managing and using independent evaluations
Ms Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa Senior Lecturer in M&E Caitlin is a Senior Lecturer in M&E at the WSG. Her research has focussed on understanding what drives change in complex socio-ecological systems and figuring out how to measure these changes. She has over a decade of experience training theory of change and other evaluation techniques
Mr Khotso Tsotsotso M&E Manager Khotso is the head of M&E at New Leaders Foundation. Before this, he was an M&E Technical Specialist and Researcher at the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA). His background is in Economics, Management, and Finance, with a strong aptitude for statistics

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants

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