Evaluation in Practice: A Panel Discussion: on Simplifying Complexities: Capacity Development as a Resilience Tool

Painel de Discussão

Sobre o evento

The Jordan Development Evaluation Association in Jordan (EvalJordan) is a national professional association aiming at raising the awareness of evaluation value among national organizations to improve their effectiveness, building and enhancing the capacities of professionals in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) field, and creating the linkages with regional and international evaluation institutions.

EvalJordan’s objective in participating in gLOCAL Evaluation Week is to maintain the momentum of dialogue regarding evaluation at various levels (local, regional and international). The gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021 program has rekindled the concept of intersectionality and the interlinkages of and within thought and practice.

With international and regional experiences and practices, EvalJordan intends to hold three events that are in line with this year’s theme ‘’Building Forward Better’’ during the gLocal Evaluation week. The events will address the need for the latest tools in evaluation in the context of resilience and uncertainty in different spheres, and simplifying the complexities of practice; ownership and accountability of monitoring and evaluation systems. The experiences presented are primarily from the Non-Governmental Organizations sector, furthermore shed light on the intersectionality of the latest evaluation methods and trends with other sectors.

The first event will be the first demonstration of how innovative and participatory evaluation methods can serve as a catalyst for multi-directional capacity building and knowledge sharing. Thus, solidifying the importance and impacts of sound methodological evaluation practices.

A moderated Panel discussion addressing the broader question theme of ‘How can evaluation help decision makers and other stakeholders to make better informed decisions to ‘build forward better’?’ by presenting theory and examples of evaluation capacity building at various levels; including individuals, organizational and systems.

‘Evaluation in Practice: A Panel Discussion: on Simplifying Complexities: Capacity Development as a Resilience Tool’ will delve into some of the latest tools in evaluation practice that offer to simplify and solidify practice in planning, implementing and owning M&E systems.

The event will discuss how organisations and individuals can build their capacity and what they can do to enhance it, with a focus on elements of ownership and accountability, sustainability, and innovations within the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) process. In addition, the event will further discuss how to be more confident and resilient in the face of instability and uncertainty, through presenting theory and examples of evaluation capacity building at various levels; including individual, organizational and systems level.

Three panelists will talk from their own practices about their perspectives and experiences . The three panelists are Chari Smith, Valentine J Gandhi, and Michael Steffens.

The first panelist, Chari Smith, will focus on the individual and Organization level; providing theory and examples of evaluation capacity building both at the individual level and in nonprofit organizations. Furthermore, Chari will discuss how to equip individuals and organizations with tools that not only increase their evaluation capacity, but also raise their confidence and sense of ownership over these tools. Having individuals and organizations own the models they use will provide them with the sustainability and resilience needed to face the changing world around them.

Valentine J Gandhi, the second panelist, will speak at the system level about how innovation and how applying the blue marble concept in evaluation are important in this unstable time. Moreover, Valentine will give examples on how to move more agilely and how emerging-based methods will help companies cope with instability and uncertainty .

Michael Steffens, the third panelist, will discuss how donors should focus on downward accountability (achieving results for beneficiaries) rather than upward accountability (proper use of funds) and how to spread evaluation methods around CSOs and apply those methods for social accountability (monitoring of government service delivery). Michael will also speak about how participatory evaluation techniques can offer solutions for donors and civil society alike, and enhance impact and outcomes of accountability.


Nome Título Biography
Chari Smith President, Evaluation into Action and author Nonprofit Program Evaluation Made Simple Chari Smith is an author, trainer, and founder of Evaluation into Action. Empowering Nonprofits through Data. She founded Evaluation into Action to help nonprofit professionals create realistic and meaningful program evaluation processes. evaluationintoaction.com
Valentine J Gandhi Founder, The Development Café Valentine Gandhi is a senior Evaluation, Innovation and Tech4Good specialist. He was recently the Chief of Party for USAID/Indonesia’s MEL Support program for Social Impact, and is currently consulting for the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank. Connect with him at: linkedin.com/in/king6
Michael Steffens Aid Coordination, Quality Support and Governance Dr. Michael Steffens works on aid coordination, quality support and governance at the EU Delegation in Jordan. His responsibilities include the quality assurance on the programming cycle and the development of the Delegation’s statistics. linkedin.com/in/michaeljsteffens/
Hayat Askar Vice-President Hayat Askar is a Monitoring and Evaluation professional in the fields of M&E and Project Management, working with stakeholders from government, private sector and international organizations. Also a member in EvalSDGs Guidance Group, and Eval4Action blog coordinator. linkedin.com/in/hayat-askar

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
