Building Forward Better through Learning Insights

Professional Learning Community: Informal Discussion-Based in Arabic

Sobre o evento

The Jordan Development Evaluation Association in Jordan (EvalJordan) is a national professional association aiming at raising the awareness of evaluation value among national organizations to improve their effectiveness, building and enhancing the capacities of professionals in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) field, and creating the linkages with regional and international evaluation institutions.

EvalJordan’s objective in participating in gLOCAL Evaluation Week is to maintain the momentum of dialogue regarding evaluation at various levels (local, regional and international). The gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021 program has rekindled the concept of intersectionality and the interlinkages of and within thought and practice.

EvalJordan intends to hold three events that are in line with this year’s theme ‘’Building Forward Better’’ during the gLocal Evaluation week. The events will address the need for the latest tools in evaluation in the context of resilience and uncertainty in different spheres, and simplifying the complexities of practice; ownership and accountability of monitoring and evaluation systems. The experiences presented are primarily from the Non-Governmental Organizations sector, furthermore shed light on the intersectionality of the latest evaluation methods and trends with other sectors.

Making a space for dialogue is essential for evaluation professionals to network and exchange their knowledge and experiences, especially in an accessible and relaxed setting. The premise for this event is the belief that exchanging ideas broadens horizons.

This will be EvalJordan’s second event, an informal and participatory, “M&E Over Coffee'' session.

‘M&E Over Coffee’ sessions are informal discussion-based events. It is a professional learning community that depends on experience-sharing among Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) practitioners to reflect upon the variety of MEL methods, theories and tools adopted by different international and local entities.

The Building Forward Better through Learning Insights ‘M&E Over Coffee’ session will raise the topic of learning from various data types in an aim towards better informed decision-making. It addresses the influence of learning on decision-making processes not only within institutions, but also at organizational, governmental, political and donor policy levels. The objective is thus to build a better future based on learning insights, lessons learned, sharing experience and knowledge, and cooperation.

This facilitated event seeks to engage and brainstorm with the audience about the topic of learning from various data sources. How can learning build towards better informed decision-making? How can it influence decision-making processes, not only within institutions, but also at various other levels such as organizational, governmental, and political levels, as well as at the donor policy level to produce meaningful impacts towards achieving tangible results and outcomes?

Event facilitator, Nour Qawasmi, will draw upon: the future and building better; cooperation and knowledge sharing; bridging gaps; and sustainability. The facilitator can guide the discussion through some conversational questions as such:

How to invest in processed data to improve learning and make use of lessons learned?
Can learning consolidate professional relations and efforts and improve cooperation among different types of entities to supplement efforts?
How is it possible to optimally utilize learning for enhanced and more sustainable operations and be best suited for particular target audiences, communities and stakeholders?

جلسات ”المتابعة والتقييم مع فنجان قهوة“ للنقاش الحيوي ليست ذات طابع رسمي وإنما هي عبارة عن مناقشات لمواضيع معينة بشكل ودّي و حرّ بين المشاركين. وتعتبر جلسات ”المتابعة والتقييم مع فنجان قهوة ” نوع من انواع مجتمعات التعلم المهنية والتي تعتمد على مشاركة الخبرات المختلفة بين المشاركين، والتي تعكس الأساليب والنظريات والأدوات لمختلف المؤسسات والجهات الدولية والمحلية. وتعتمد على تبادل الخبرات بين ممارسي المتابعة والتقييم والتعلم للتفكير في مجموعة متنوعة من أساليب المتابعة والتقييم والتعلم والنظريات والأدوات التي تعتمدها الجهات الدولية والمحلية المختلفة.

تسعى هذه الجلسة المُيسرة إلى إشراك الجمهور وتبادل الأفكار معهم حول موضوع التعلم من مصادر البيانات المختلفة. كيف يمكن للتعلم أن يتجه نحو اتخاذ قرارات مطلعة؟ كيف يمكن أن تؤثر على عمليات صنع القرار، وليس فقط داخل المؤسسات، ولكن أيضًا على مختلف المستويات الأخرى مثل المستويات التنظيمية والحكومية والسياسية ، وكذلك على مستوى سياسة المانحين لإحداث تأثيرات ذات مغزى نحو تحقيق نتائج و حصائل ملموسة؟

و سوف تستمد ميسرة الجلسة نور القواسمي للحوار من المفاهيم التالية: المستقبل والبناء بشكل أفضل. التعاون وتبادل المعرفة ؛ سد الفجوات والاستدامة. وتستطيع أن تقوم ميسرة الجلسة توجيه المناقشة من خلال بضعة أسئلة محادثة مثل

كيف نستثمر في البيانات المعالجة لتحسين التعلم والاستفادة من الدروس المستفادة؟
هل يمكن أن يوطد التعلم العلاقات والجهود المهنية ويحسن التعاون بين أنواع الجهات المختلفة لتكملة الجهود؟
كيف يمكن الاستفادة المثلى من التعلم من أجل تصميم وتنفيذ عمليات معززة وأكثر استدامة وتكون الأنسب للجماهير وللمجتمعات ولأصحاب المصلحة المستهدفين والمعنيين؟

اسم المتحدث / الميسر
نور القواسمي


Nome Título Biography
Nour Qawasmi Founder and Facilitator Nour Qawasmi has a diploma in Management of NGOs and extensive experience in working with development and non-governmental organizations. Authored a learning documents, on ‘Digitalization of Data Management’ in 2020.

Tópicos e Temas

NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners

Event Details
