Capacity Building: An important aspect of Evaluation Eco-system


Sobre o evento

Monitoring and evaluation eco-system is constantly evolving in multiple dimensions including innovations in approaches and frameworks; methodologies for conducting evaluations; techniques of data collection and analysis; involvement of stakeholders, evaluation systems and policies and so on. These evolving blocks need varying types of evaluation capacities both vertically and horizontally to make evaluations professionalized and institutionalized. There is evidence, lots of discussion and learning that professional evaluations lead to better use of results. In this context the panel will explore and discuss the present scenario of evaluation eco-system in India with special focus upon initiatives in the direction of professionalization of evaluations. There will be five panelists in the session with their specific sub-topics.


Nome Título Biography
Rajib Nandi Vice President - Knowledge Management & Capacity Development Rajib Nandi is the Vice President – Knowledge Management & Capacity Development, Sambodhi Research and Communications. He is also a co-founder and co-leader of Evaluation community of India.
Aniruddha Brahmachari Head of Research Operations Aniruddha Brahmachari is an experienced M&E professional from India. Previously he was the Global Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer with Oxfam International
2. Rashmi Agrawal Co-leader Rashmi Agrawal is a co-founder and Co-leader of Evaluation Community of India. Previously she was a Director at NILERD, Govt. of India.
Yatin Diwakar Co-Leader Yatin diwakar is core group member of Evaluation Community of India and co-leader of EvalYouth India. Currently he is a doctoral student at IIT Bombay in Mumbai India.
Mahima Taneja Senior Research Manager Dr. Mahima Taneja is a Senior Research Manager with Sambodhi, Delhi

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Evaluation Practitioners Educação Avaliação Sensível ao Gênero NA-National M&E Systems Juventude em Avaliação

Event Details
