Participatory Research and Evaluation Approaches: Contextualising Gender, Equity, and Inclusion in South Asia

Painel de Discussão

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Although 'empowerment' is a prominent value in international development, attempts to measure and monitor it have depended mostly on externally determined indicators. While impact assessments are often undertaken to benefit commissioning funders, they must benefit all stakeholders - evaluation managers, implementers and recipients. Two academics and two practitioners explore the theoretical contextualised underpinnings of evaluating empowerment and the lessons learned from the field respectively. The panel aims to present tested and innovative approaches on participatory research and evaluation, focusing on gender, equity, and inclusion as its core ideals.


Nome Título Biography
Dr. Archna Kumar Associate professor in the Department of Development Communication & Extension Teaches/guides masters and doctoral researches in the department for +30 years; teaches papers in Communication for Social Change, Gender, Participatory Development, Behaviour Change Theories, Research Methods and Programme Evaluation. Uses innovative participatory techniques for M&E.
Mr. Pradeep Narayanan Director, Research + 20 years’ experience in community-led monitoring of programmes through participatory action research with communities facing marginalisation. Supports and learns from initiatives of Social Equity Watch and Corporate Responsibility Watch in India. Member of Participate initiative of IDS UK
Dr. Sushila Nepali Independent Consultant and COE Nepal Member + 30 years’ experience in community based NRM management and 20 years of experience in evaluation. carried out evaluation focusing in GESI and NRM. A forester, an evaluator and a visiting faculty Agriculture and Forestry University, IOF, Kathmandu Forestry College
Neha Dhingra Senior Manager, Community Impact Over a decade of varied experience with grassroots, as well as international funding organisations in program design, management, monitoring, evaluation and research. She currently leads the education and skilling programs at UWH, Hyderabad.

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators Educação Avaliação Sensível ao Gênero NA-Social Justice Juventude em Avaliação

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