Are we advancing National Evaluation Capacities for the SDGs? Lessons from the United Nations Evaluation Group

Painel de Discussão

Sobre o evento

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the critical role of evaluation. In 2014, the UN General Assembly also passed a resolution on “Building capacity for the evaluation of development activities at the country level”. In 2021, the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) National Evaluation Capacity Development (NECD) Working Group prepared a report on NECD by United Nations agencies since the adoption of the resolution. Participants will learn about the key findings and recommendations from this report and join a discussion on how development partners can strengthen NECD, not only through direct support, but also by changing the way they carry out their own evaluations.


Nome Título Biography
Renata Mirulla Facilitator of EvalForward Renata is the facilitator of the EvalForward Community of Practice, which is jointly supported by the evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD, WFP and CGIAR. She is one of the co-convenors of the UNEG NECD Working Group and supports evaluation knowledge management, capacity development and communication.
Riccardo Polastro Regional Evaluation Adviser Riccardo is the Evaluation Adviser at UNICEF’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has twenty years of experience in humanitarian affairs and development aid for the United Nations, the International Movement of the Red Cross, NGOs, donor agencies and private firms.
Michala Assankpon Evaluation Officer Michala works as Evaluation Officer in WFP’s Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the past decade she has been working in monitoring and evaluation as well as programme management mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and the LAC region.

Tópicos e Temas

NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-National M&E Systems

Event Details
