AIDA – Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics


Sobre o evento

AIDA or Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics is the latest initiative from the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to improve the use of evaluative evidence for enhanced decision making.

AIDA uses artificial intelligence and machine learning for extracting evidence from UNDP evaluations, providing quick and easy access to the digital treasure trove of evidence from over 6000 evaluations stored in UNDP Evaluation Resource Centre, dating back to 2002.

The webinar walks participants through the development process, provides insight into its technical architecture and includes a demonstration of AIDA’s web portal to showcase its capabilities and use.


Nome Título Biography
Oscar A. Garcia Director Oscar currently serves as Director of the UNDP’s Independent Evaluation Office and as Chairperson of the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG). Prior to joining the IEO, he served as Director of IFAD’s Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE), and Head of Advisory Services for Green Economy, UNEP.
Boaz Liesdek Research Associate Boaz serves as Research Associate at UNDP's IEO. He has over five years of experience in international development project design, implementation, evaluation, and research. As part of IEO's Knowledge and Data Management team he is closely engaged with IEO’s innovation projects.
Andrea Arenas Research Consultant Andrea Arenas is an international development specialist with a strong background in inequality and economic development. She has experience in project planning, implementation, evaluation, and research. She is currently a Research consultant for IEO, contributing to the AIDA project since Jan 2021.

Tópicos e Temas

NA-Evaluation Practitioners Outro

Event Details
