Working Together to Build Pacific Evaluation Capacity


Sobre o evento

Local, on the ground, evaluation capacity continues to be an area of high demand for Fiji and the greater Pacific.

In recent months, EY has worked collaboratively to interview a range of key stakeholders around their perceptions and needs in Monitoring and Evaluation in the Pacific. Building capacity and retaining local evaluators was raised as a key theme throughout this work.

This event will bring together key evaluation stakeholders from the Pacific to explore collaborative strategies for addressing local capacity building, retaining local evaluators. We will explore working across private, tertiary education and public settings to build on recent work within the sector and collaboratively design approaches to build Monitoring and Evaluation capacity.


Nome Título Biography
Melissa Kaltner Dr Dr Melissa Kaltner coordinates EY Oceania's Monitoring and Evaluation Practice Network and leads a range of program evaluation work.
Elizabeth Peters Ms Elizabeth is working to develop her team's Monitoring and Evaluation Practice and led the consultations which will be shared during the session.

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Social Justice NA-National M&E Systems

Event Details
